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Everything posted by Sobis

  1. I think in that case I'll just write it off as a mod problem as I freshly downloaded the game yesterday. I did have an old installation of the game but haven't touched it in a very long while so that one could've been corrupt.
  2. Hello, I'm sorry if this has been answered before. I tried to do a quick search but the posts seemed random. I have a simple contract where I have to test a SRB at specific conditions (example in the Imgur album). I get to those conditions, all of the ticks are green and then whatever I do, it just doesn't approve the test. I tried doing the test by staging, by pressing the "run test" in the context menu. I've tried to run the test with no fuel, partial fuel, full fuel. It just doesn't care It's possible that this is because of the mods even though this happens with the vanilla parts. The mod list is also in the Imgur album https://imgur.com/a/pKa8twO
  3. I was building the beginning of my Mun base: a life support vessel. I built pretty much everything I needed and tried to launch. The spacecraft is relatively big but I didn't see any lag so I believe it isn't my PC performance's fault. Anyway, I then noticed I forgot launch clamps and I needed to strengthen a mid-section. I went back to VAB and everything was OK. After adding these things I tried launching again - something strange happen. I saw the whole interface but everything else was black. I tried reverting to launch and I appeared at the LaunchPad. For some reason I went back to VAB and then tried exiting to space center. KSP asked me whether I want to save the craft. Obviously I pressed yes and then went back to VAB again. After trying to load the craft, all I got was a VERY early version of it. I tried using the "auto-saved ship" thing and I got back my craft but the thing is that it was broken. All the stages (the bar on the right, not the physical stages) were gone and when I tried launching, KSP said "Craft size unknown!" Mods which could've affected something: Universal Storage, Karbonite, TAC life support, KIS, KAS. My vessel doesn't contain other mods I did try restarting KSP. Didn't change anything Craft file: HERE
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