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Everything posted by AfterburnerDave

  1. Thanks for fixing my debug problem!

  2. I've recently transferred KSP to my new Laptop, and now when I run it the debug menu doesn't come out, I don't know why. So I got a couple of questions. My Laptop runs on Windows 8 64bit, no problem at all since it's brand new. I can't find debug menu in setting. Is there a way to change the key bind for Debug menu? Can I download a mod that allows part clipping without using Debug menu? How do I get Debug menu to pop out and work normally. Also, in KSP 0.24 the B9 landing gears don't work properly.
  3. 1: I didn't pay for my KSP, it's from a download site, version 0.22.5 2: I spend 10 times more time building fighter jets than going to space 3: I part clip all the time 4: I still don't know some functions of the manuvre node
  4. Hi LP, just a quick question, is AKSTechnology weapons thread dead?

  5. Hi, is KADEC dead?

  6. Hello lolkaoyba! I see your mammoth tank fires pirate weapon shells with lazor system explosions, can you send me the file, to ahdavidwu@gmail.com please.

  7. That efficiency is realistic enough , but remember those engines are massive, like 3.5 meters, you have to halve the thrust to make it accurate for KSP.
  8. Stock and modded aircraft for all your dog-fighting, transporting and fire-catching needs!! From world war 2 era bush plane to the sixth generation jet fighter, I built anything that flies, be sure to get B9 Aerospace mod and Firespitter mod, I use them often.
  9. As we all know DYJ's gun is great mod, but it is too big for a regular WWII propeller plane, I copy and pasted the data from DYJ Gatling gun to the stock antenna, while retaining the model image, hoping it would make the antenna fire just like a gatlin gun. But when I pressed fire, nothing happened, can someone either 1: send me their file of a attempt to make a small machine gun 2: start making a mod, contact DYJ maybe? 3: tell me how to edit the antenna ( communtron 16) to make it fire like an GAU-19 Thanks
  10. Holy frack!!!! no SABRE engines! You're skilled! And please download my ground attack plane, I'm new to the forum.http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/44822-Afterburner-limited-hanger-%28atmospheric-vessels-and-stuff%29/page2
  11. Nex project is a space shuttle-ish craft since I suck at SSTOs and high tech crafts, I'm just going to make something that's more technologically feasible.
  12. So the other day I got Bac9 aerospace pack, and it got this sweet little F-22 style engine, they vector at 20+- degrees and probably means they can make you plane super agile. But the thing is that they are wayyyyyyyyy too agile, I always get flat spins, crazy rolls and angle of attack at nearly 90 degrees, sometimes even at 180 degrees. My new jet bomber seems to do nicely with those engines, but on smaller fighters they go crazy! So can anyone help me with some designing tips and trick when it comes to thrust vectoring fighters. Images and examples are much appreciated.
  13. Hello! Welcome to the forum, I'm from Melbourne, in Glen Waverley specifically.
  14. great news everybody! Mum bought me the 'legit' version of KSP, now I can download the B9 SABRE engine and other stuff, better download B9 aerospace pack today, cuz I'm releasing craft files soon!
  15. Can I request for a 0.50 cal, this gun is too big on most of my fighters.
  16. My next project is a P-38 that carrys DYJ Gatling gun. As well as a transonic business jet.
  17. This STOL was created after I gave up all hope of flying a true VTOL craft, takes off before the first notch on the runway, uses 6 DA tiny jet to provide vertical lift. Max altitude is not as good as I hoped. Max speed: 1000m/s Max altitude: 21000 metres. Takeoff speed: 31 m/s Armament/payload: 10 decoupler bombs. Range: 300 km? Mods used: TV pizza for the tail boom and lift fans. This thing is so incredibly badass, even Jeb is scared of flying it. Heres the proof of the noob friendly STOL ability, inside the island hanger bay without killing a single Kerbal.
  18. I am new to the forum, so can anyone please tell me how to add craft files. A step by step instruction would be nice. I can't even find the craft files on my computer.
  19. NEW CRAFT!!! AK-112 GROUND ATTACK AIRCRAFT! CRAFT FILE INCLUDED. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DOWNLOAD !!!!!! MOD REQUIRED: B9 AND DYJ GATLING GUN. Dropbox craft file:https://www.dropbox.com/s/xzezen2sl695va4/AK-112.craft Once upon a time Jeb got bullied by some evil purple Kerbals, he decided to blow them up, unfortunatly Jeb crashed his fathers Spitfire, so I made him this. It's a single engine, twin boom, straight wing craft that uses two mods, B9 Aerospace and DYJ's Gatling gun mod. Underneath the wing is six hardpoints(from the B9 pack) which can hold 0.5 tonnes each, but I wouldn't recommend it because at full load this thing is half as slow and agile. Each hardpoint can also hold 2 lazor missile of any size, they are not included in the craft file because you can do that at home. AK-112 coming in for landing, takeoff speed at full load is a somewhat dangerous 120m/s, but at empty load its about half that speed, keep landing speed about 60 m/s and throttle at 10-20%, I included airbrakes and lights for night landing. The craft is near perfection in terms of balance, the turn radius is also well withing the radius of KSC, be careful when you fire the guns though, the recoil may cause upward pitching.
  20. Hi guys, I am a relatively new player to this game. This is my hanger which includes mostly atmospheric jets and a little bit of other stuff. Please spread the words and tell others to come and see my creations. I play with mainly two mods, B9 and fire spitter, be sure to have them if you want to download my craft.
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