NEW CRAFT!!! AK-112 GROUND ATTACK AIRCRAFT! CRAFT FILE INCLUDED. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DOWNLOAD !!!!!! MOD REQUIRED: B9 AND DYJ GATLING GUN. Dropbox craft file: Once upon a time Jeb got bullied by some evil purple Kerbals, he decided to blow them up, unfortunatly Jeb crashed his fathers Spitfire, so I made him this. It's a single engine, twin boom, straight wing craft that uses two mods, B9 Aerospace and DYJ's Gatling gun mod. Underneath the wing is six hardpoints(from the B9 pack) which can hold 0.5 tonnes each, but I wouldn't recommend it because at full load this thing is half as slow and agile. Each hardpoint can also hold 2 lazor missile of any size, they are not included in the craft file because you can do that at home. AK-112 coming in for landing, takeoff speed at full load is a somewhat dangerous 120m/s, but at empty load its about half that speed, keep landing speed about 60 m/s and throttle at 10-20%, I included airbrakes and lights for night landing. The craft is near perfection in terms of balance, the turn radius is also well withing the radius of KSC, be careful when you fire the guns though, the recoil may cause upward pitching.