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Everything posted by AJY84

  1. I have the latest version of MechJeb and up until now it's worked fine. I have two satellites in orbit, and I mainly use MechJeb to show me my orbital inclination, as well as being able to point prograde and retrograde in a snap when I need to. I built a third satellite that I planned on taking to the mun, however upon achieving orbit, I was on a 25° orbital inclination. I've used MechJeb to change it before, so I opened the maneuvering adjustment to set it to 0° and hit create and execute. Instead of snapping straight to the target icon, MechJeb overshot it to the right and then went back, but overshot it again to the left. It basically kept doing this for about 5mins before I aborted the maneuver. I clicked on prograde, and the same thing happened. All three of my satellites are very similar in design... The last craft is the one I'm trying to get to the mun, but MechJeb just simply doesn't work the way it does on the other two. If anyone could tell me what I'm doing wrong, it would be greatly appreciated. ***Edit*** Uploaded a video to show what I mean, in case the explanation wasn't clear enough.
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