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Everything posted by twilite20K

  1. my 4 gear planes with twin angled tails and stabilizers do pretty well at high speed, but I still have to edge left or right. My tripods have a tendency to tip is symmetry is off at higher speeds. With these I try to use rocket assist and high lift a soon as I can, or experiment with the wheel placement. I even cheat a bit sometimes with two SRS pods because they kind of bump the entire plane left or right with that strong torque effect.
  2. I was able to work around this by using a Sr Dock instead of a decoupler. Which is great because now it's a giant dock for dual use. Thanks for the suggestion M4ck. And thanks for the other responses guys. Phoenix Refueling Station is now in orbit. Now if I can just decouple the nuclear motor enabled control ship and re-dock it to the side of the twin fuel tanks, I can try to meet up with the other pieces of the station, already in orbit. Orbit matching is freakin difficult.
  3. The struts are buggy too. So...it's messed up then? I understand now that it works this way, but is it really supposed to work this way? The decoupler doesn't inturrupt the plane of the yellow fuel hose so it seems like a geometry bug, going for the nearest possible connecting joint instead of where it is intended to go. What I want is automatic fuel flow, past the decoupler. And so far I have only figured out how to do that with fuel ducting. And not without trouble. Usually having to connect to another radially attached fuel tank instead of directly via the stack.
  4. Since the duct is external, I'm not understanding how the decoupler is blocking anything. I've gotten around this by using the smaller TR-18D decoupler that doesn't fully extend outward, so the two tanks will link up via ducting. But this can't take a lot of stress, and really, I physically shouldn't have to do it, since external ducting should extend around the plane of any decoupler. It seems to be a problem, since decouplers of course don't automatically pass fuel through, so a fuel line to a decoupler would be useless, (I am thinking anyway). And I want to remove the engine and fuel tank once I'm in upper orbit, as the 2 big orange tanks are meant to connect to a fueling station. (But I've had this issue with other designs where the decoupler in the middle of the stack blocks fuel ducts from tanks further up the stack. So this odd design shouldn't really be an issue. I am still learning of course.)
  5. I've found that in building some rockets, I haven't been able to link two fuel tanks with a decoupler between them. The fuel duct line always velcros itself directly to the decoupler. Now if I remove the decoupler, the line instantly links to the next fuel tank. But put a decoupler in the mix, and the ducts go directly to it. Is this by design, or a bug? I've come up with interesting ways around this issue, but it would be nice to just connect a hose and link past the decoupler. http://i.imgur.com/NnVbnce.jpg
  6. Actually once I removed the joystick and restarted the game, the controls went back to normal. Strange thing is I disconnected the stick during flight to see if that was the culprit and my plane still flew like a lead duck. Not that the controls were unresponsive, but the plane would just gradually lose lift. I'm strictly keyboard now, and this aluminum goose is now stuck in orbit!!
  7. I was just working on this hateful SSTO spaceplane... And a few flights ago I was able to successfully get it up to a 30,000m orbit. Great. So then I try a radical redesign, without saving, moving some fuel tanks around, radial connecting, semi-clipping but no console clipping or anything non-stock. move the ram engines above the wing instead of below the wing a few other things. Try to fly...it lifts, and then promptly nosedives like a steel pigeon. Ok, that didn't work. So I reload my spaceplane design, and in an effort to save weight, remove the Rockomax Radial engines from the bottom of the leading forward delta wings. original plane here: http://i.imgur.com/fL9L7g5.jpg?1 Ok so it should fly like it did before, after such a minor change, right? No. Won't stay in the air unless I jam on the pitch button. Like the thing has no lift of it's own anymore. So has anyone else seen anything like this before?
  8. I've noticed that if I attach a fuel tank to the end of the LV-N, it looks like the atomic motor becomes covered in a metal fairing with the label LV-N, in gold. So what can be attached to these motors, and for what purpose?
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