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  1. lol. i use the memory monitor mod and use it to restart the game once it hits the 8-10GB level. i am waiting for 1.1 and very happy Squad is doing the update. and the starving pets was a joke
  2. i have 24 GB of ram. the game starts at about 3-3.5GB with all my mods (i have 55 mods installed) and from there slowly increased 100MB at a time until I'm at around 10GB (i've gotten it up to 12GB). it can take an hour it can take 2, depends on how many times i switch screens. then i start getting unresponsive mouse clicking issues and the risk of crash goes up a lot. i usually restart at that point, just out of fear of crashing mid flight. The point i'm making is: regardless of how many terabytes of ram you have or plan on buying, you will run out eventually. i can't see how this is intended and i consider it a fault in the product. the game should not have a time limit where it is playable. (although it has probably saved my pets from starving a few times, lol) What concerns me more than anything, is the fact that after countless threads, rage quits, rants, and hypothesis' about the issue that ram is not freed from screen changes, i have not heard anything from Squad acknowledging it, or hearing any hope it will be addressed.
  3. ill have to try that, because from my experience, i start the game at 2.4GB and within an hour of playing am at the 4GB limit of the 32bit exe. (i have 24Gb RAM). i dual boot ubuntu and the game runs fine on it; the only reason why i dont play the linux version is the game wont limit frames and my video card runs with fans at maximum because im pushing 150fps and cant limit it to 30 or 60.
  4. The game doesn't release ram at all. that is the only problem. windows, linux... Doesnt matter - its the same for both From initial load, it climbs with every screen change, until it crashes. You are required to restart the game very often. the number of mods only decides how often. there is a serious memory leak in KSP, but i havent seen anything from the devs saying they acknowledge it or have a fix coming. Please, i want to hear something from a developer that isnt a work around or jumping through hoops.
  5. since only the 32bit version of KSP exists for windows (they removed the 64 bit version due to Unity stability issues) doesnt matter if you have 4GB or 24GB, the game is limited to about 4GB before it crashes.
  6. i am having the same issue now with 1.0.2. Me thinks the bug haz returned.
  7. that is the best news i have heard all day. thanks!
  8. so... the big question since im at work and cant test it myself: is it fixed?
  9. it should be automatic. FYI: 1.0 is included in the price you paid for early access.
  10. i do remember mention of garbage collection in several dev comments as well. i just hope that it was intended as the remedy for the terribad memory leak and not just something they noticed. i have shelved the game until 1.0 because of the memory leak.
  11. i have found that this mod helps me keep an eye on the memory leak that ksp has so i know when it is time to restart the game: memory manager [removed link to defunct website]
  12. I know, shocking right? However This memory leak is so bad it turns the game into a 20-minute trial instead of a working game.
  13. i have recently started to have issues in my windows 7x64 install where i get low memory popups. this NEVER happened before last week. i installed the memory usage mod to see ram usage in game and noticed that i get about 10-15 reverts back to launch before i have no ram left. this issue also exist on the linux 64 bit version. basically textures aren't unloaded from ram and you get 10-15 screen switches (number of mods affects time of death) no matter whether stock, modded, ATMed or if you have 132Gb of ram, the titanic sinks.
  14. these options wont work. the memory leak will eventually crash your game; even in linux - its just a matter of time.. every screen change adds to RAM usage; eventually you WILL run out of ram.
  15. Not releasing textures and memory with screen changes should be pretty easy to nail down., for example: "take note of ram usage, launch large ship, revert back to space center, rinse, repeat until = BOOM, app crash every time" it is reproduceable to thousands of alpha/beta testers. My message was more a "if you know what's wrong, get it out as 0.90.01. Just please don't wait for 1.0"
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