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Everything posted by Mareczex333

  1. Wonderful! Only weakness i see here is view from rear (3rd person view) Rear wings should be in the middle (vertical) of the engines. We both know that stock ksp don't provide thin engines, so u put wings on the top. It looks great from this shot, but I'm not sure how about pretty same shot, but craft 180* rolled ;d Other things are tailfins. I thing your resolve is best, but I didn't like it when i was building F-22, so I stopped Anyway best replica for now ;d
  2. I don't have new pc, but new craft soon! Don't forget about upcoming car too!
  3. Just a Toyota I'd like to know what I can improve (e.g. front wheels are too wide)
  4. Good job! Wonderful! My F-16 is done! There you go! DOWNLOAD Have fun!
  5. I didnt notice. I just made it. Before 1.0 it wasnt working, so I tried now and it works Sorry, i don't follow forum much
  6. A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S are binded to B by default. You can unbound it, but... If you launch craft, or even reload it in SPH/VAB A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S will bind again to B. I know it's not harmful bug, but if you use these airbrakes as ascethic thing, then holding B to brake with landing gear can destroy craft. (Yeah, i know that I can bind brakes to 'number')
  7. Now craft in motion! Have fun with it!
  8. I wanted to make it easier to control. Canards are based on euro fighter typhoon plane. Thats why I named it just mirage, without dassault word. I'm happy that u like it
  9. Thanks! It may look not manueverable, but it is! Just drop missiles out
  10. Hi! New jet is out! DOWNLOAD
  11. Ekhm, ekhm: It's nice to make such a threads. More people will see the idea of 'two staged' missiles ;d
  12. Well... It's because I don't make them to be FAR capable As you know I don't use mods I'm focusing ONLY on aesthetics. After I reach certain level I'm making it to be able to fly. I don't want to broke it's final outlook, so I clip few control surface to make it controlable Btw it's a bit offtopic
  13. I think that's good that it's heavy. Putting 2 engines at rear of craft will pull center of mass very much to the rear. Nosecone balance craft enough. It is important to have center of mass at front of center of craft. If your craft will caught stall, then you will able to recover. What would you do if the center of mass would be behind of center of craft? You would clip dump fuel tanks into cockpit to balance it. That's my opinion
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