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Everything posted by Chris94

  1. Got bored, so having some fun making rockets, lol!
  2. Yeah, but this one probably won't have enough fuel to get back home to Kerbin.
  3. I almost got myself to land on the Mun yesterday, but unfortunately i used too much time and fuel. I crashed into the Mun but i used too much fuel to correct my spacecraft's orbit from the Mun. I am gonna try a 2nd attempt now and see if i am able to land on the Mun. Anyways, have some nice pictures though. This design is capable of reaching the Mun, but probably need more fuel to reach Minmus.
  4. Since, i am Norwegian i figured out to start assemble a Norwegian space station. I have already the first part, but no crew onboard. It will be part of a space program i have called Heyerdahl Space Program, named after the famous Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl. The expeditions to the space stations goes like Heyerdahl-1, Heyerdahl-2, Heyerdahl-3, Heyerdahl-4........ Heyerdahl-1 and Heyerdahl-2 was not successfull. What happened with Heyerdahl-1 was that at around 12 km in altitude when the rocket was supposed to decouple the solid rocket boosters, one of the solid rocket boosters hit the main fuel tanks and the main engine so mostly the whole rocket exploded, except the command module and the RCS module, included the docking port. The propulsion module to the space capsule exploded aswell. I got the crew safely back to the planet. Now with Heyerdahl-2, i fixed the problem with the solid rocket boosters so i attached some small engines so it could jettison away the SRB. That went successfull. The problem that occured was that i didn't had enough fuel to reach the space station so i had to return. A bit after the parachutes deployed, the parachuted ripped off from the space capsule, no idea what happened, so the space capsule went over 50 m/s before it crashed and i lost all my 3 kerbonauts. I am now gonna start designing Heyerdahl-3, so i hope i won't run in other problems. Assembling the first space station module to the Norwegian Space Station Norwegian Space Station with the Norwegian flag Heyerdahl-1 on the launch pad Engines are running and liftoff off the Heyerdahl-1 expedition to the Norwegian Space Station Heyerdahl-1 on it's way Aaaah failure Heyerdahl-1 crew landing safely back, right next to the launch pad Heyerdahl-2 Successfully jettisoned the SRB on Heyerdahl-2 rocket
  5. Jedian Kerman doing some EVA above Kerbin. Just launched a Orion crew capsule + SLS rocket replica, models of the NASA version. I am not an experienced player on KSP. But hope to get to the Mun and possibly Duna someday.
  6. The game is not crashing. It is just that the addon is changing the RealSolarSystem addon, so it goes back to the texture Kerbin has, not Earth. Do you think it is the addon, or is it a graphics problem maybe? My graphics card has the latest version. The Kerbin solarsystem is the size of our own solarsystem, but has Kerbal solarsystem textures. You do understand what i am saying here?
  7. I have some issues. The Earth map won't load. It is instead loading Kerbin's map. And when i press start game, the screen is turning black, but everything else is working. I have tried to install RealSolarSystem back again, but it won't work. EDIT: I found the problem. There seems that the add-on FASA is disturbing the textures.
  8. Now, i have used the same rocket, but sent 3 astronauts into space. The mission were successfull and i got them into an orbit around Kerban
  9. Here's my rocket into space. finally succeeded it. It will be part of my space program called Kerban Space Federation And remember i am just a beginner of Kerbal Space Program. Rocket on the Launch Pad. Ready for liftoff!!! Test 1 of a prototype rocket that might be the carrier of a space capsule to the Kerban Space Federation. Engines are running!!! And liftoff!!! Rocket still climbing altitude!!! What i call a perfect launch Still climbing higher. What a loving piece of rocket. This is the best i have ever made in Kerbal Space Program. Wonder how it will handle a space capsule. About to soon enter the altitude of space. About to enter orbit, after that. Entering altitude of space. About to enter orbit. Dropping the launch boosters Successfully entering orbital altitude Placing the unmanned rocket in orbit. I didn't had enough fuel to control the rocket more. Couldn't do the last separation. Mission unsuccessfull.
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