1. try demo and watch tutorial on how to get to the Mun 2. Build rocket that collapses on launch 3. Learn about struts 4. MORE STRUTS 5. launch Mun rocket into a very elliptic but equatorial orbit get a lunar intercept on first try land on Mun first try and complete return trip (this was more luck and a well written guide than anything else since I didn't get a hang of orbital maneuvers until much later) 6. Buy game 7. Try to land on Mun in version 0.18 litho break into surface 8. Same as above 9. Finally kinda learn how orbital maneuvers work and land on the Mun again 10. Send mission to Minmus 11. Learn how to dock 12. Lock my self into VAB 13. Build planes rovers space stations 14. Actually launch the the mad contraptions into space with mixed results 15. In 0.21 finally get out of Kerbin SOI with an ion powered probe for Jool (actually got to Jool after a two hour correction burn that's real time) 16. Explore the whole Jool system in one mission except land on Vall because of a very strange bug which got the Vall probe lander stuck to the wrong tug PRESENT I have been trying lots of mods but haven't actually done any missions with them (I spend to much time in the VAB)
Found a really good guide on reddit for SSTO's it's a very good beginners guide http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1izfqn/subs_planessto_design_for_beginners_long_post/ I think the problem you are having is that because the plane is so short you don't get a lot of leverage on your control surfaces making the craft easy to roll but hard to pitch. If you instead make the craft longer and narrower and put control surfaces as far away from the center of mass and lift as possible(think delta wing design with canards) you can get away with fewer control surfaces making the craft easier to pitch up and down and save on weight. And don't worry to much about having enough wings for lift because usually the smaller SSTO's have a TWR quite a bit over 1 on the jet engines meaning you actually really don't need wings more than for control purposes.
The Mosquito class probe first craft I built using the keep it simple stupid mindset. Reliable,light,respectable amount of d/v and low part count what more could you want from a satellite/interplanetary explorer
A good idea would probably be to name the cities after places where there are space centers or launch sites and add a twist to the name for example Marritt Island (Merritt Island) Culogne (Colonge) Star City Ciruna (Kiruna) Alkántara (Alcántara) it would be great if they tried to agknowledge the space agencies around the world that stand as inspiration for the game
My VTOLSSTO Spaceplane Also my first post ever on the forum Reaches LKO with about 350m/s of delta v left Next goal is to add som rocket thrusters and try to land it on the Mun with one refueling Mods used are B9 and flight engineer