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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. Banned for not feeling it's pressure thousand miles a way
  2. la ref chacun la trouvera ou bon lui semble dans l'interet de tous avant tout.
  3. 'u bio z ur' is that a crappy childish ref to pulp fuction ? vraiment malpoli si vous avez besoin d'encre pour le kraken suffit de demander.
  4. speaking of censorship, follow my 3 latest post, and edits how such blood image and video are allowed on ksp ? avoid thoose blood bath here on kerbin
  5. we need some moderation somewhere. that's a clue not a wish
  6. may be the user below may use the letters c h a s k s a to form a word on this forum
  7. I wonder what will be the next weeks challenge. and how do you guys choose thoose challenges ?
  8. knock knock it s vlad some matter guys ?
  9. nevermind, welcome and don't reproduce
  10. Best efficiency at closest range i guess.
  11. thing like this? support(h)er, not vac , aka hearth. (too much cold in my flesh and back) i would prefer just not bein able to do this kind of things, and i have plenty enough to get brainwashed with. "ici je m'asseois et rêve, àde si tendre rime" 12&sitanddream
  12. @spartwo i do not clearly remember what language mean at all and i m myself to affraid of writing anithing, so i m here.
  13. not autist, not lobotomised, fr not bel so i m not allowed to ask for it for where i am and my family not aggree that i ask for belgian nationalitie like lamberts. "stuck in the hatch houston & kvick"
  14. Pour ça que je préfère les configs edit àpartir du materiel stock intégrer et fournit par squad. Mais a ce stade de develloppement y a encore beaucoup de chose qui demande des ajustements. Pas simple c'est clair. Pour ça que j'integre rien au jeu coté plugins tant que le langage est pas plus stable pourtant j'ai quelques idées sur papier alors qui sait j'investirait surement du temps la dedans le moment venu.
  15. gentlemens, i m only able too say that's this game cockpit too much to everyone, and dunno how to help with it at all. beside some good effort from all volounteer (scuse missspelling my english is a cockpit as well ...) this is just an imminent it corail report that i m offering here as the crappy weird translator i am. and i try to be fine with that at best like every oneS
  16. ça àpas l'air si insignifiant que ça, cet enervement là. magnifique travail !
  17. wink again still walking home as always so small ... What is your name? What is your quest? What ? you don't like pogona viticeps ?!?
  18. i don't use probe, but i prevent my cat fellow to eat fish because it make her sick *shrug & rrrrr rrrrr @ probe*
  19. free easter eggs eyes. got only 2 and 20 to type and walk here. That walk.
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