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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. Unfortunately guineas pigs are tired to give you more juice and cut your head. i wish for a red iron crown .
  2. np im used to leave in a yell oh sub-Marines. The next poster can't stop loss everyone childs.
  3. made me think of: cold fire wall war'ez reboot/reborn/&etc. this is the short and ultra compact, non business related, version xD
  4. Pro: amazing & fun by design Cons: annoying & boring by design Add a time relativity, even if infinitesimal, to all equation and keep having fun.
  5. Banned for too many cloud in your avatar.
  6. When times come no one will longer care about the question. Why should i ask another question that only open to anothers and another ?
  7. Cheater because you made an empire behind a republic
  8. 0.24 : now, one's will in space; here your moan Hey !!! Oki, aggreed it's a 1/2 bad joke. On the other 1/2 hand it could end well also.
  9. I'm tough because you think. Welcome to the Salty Spitoon how tough are ya?
  10. I'm the button and can't press myself even if i (would/)have the will to ~*censored*% won't give me some hands, the others ~*censored*% will even give me a kick in addition
  11. Because it's made from an amalgam of small Rocky why prohibition wasn't prohibited ?
  12. 8/10 for infinite and beyond travelling
  13. Pretty interesting and speak for themselves tests protocols Nova. /rename the videos series: Orange Toad and the yellow background mechanics in their simpliest schemes forms
  14. Kerbol daily land on kerbals & vice versa How would you stare at kerbol at night time ?
  15. you can 'fake' 1000 person one time, you can't 'fake' 1 person a thousand time. *thumbs*
  16. Granted you split you knowledge and yourself into 20 clones and they are unable to do the most basics things you were able to before the split. I wish for a speaking sponge not named bob.
  17. -a- cartoons are not made by mad adults, (most of the time) -b- idem -c- pretty the same -d- or not so far alike -e- what else ? ... -z- that's all folks until next anims ethics msgs re-gen'era'tion
  18. My head ,because for now, and until proven false i can't do anything without it.
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