god bless america and moanIcA let s win sky ? do thoose guy really believe they can fly ? *shrug* oh let's them believe on $ at least (keep cool with the mirror )
Seeing a spacesuited astronaut standing on a platform on the end of the robot arm in space is a crystal-clear sign we live in the future. You can't fix Stupid with Duct tape (Intended to be "Stupid")
Yup, granted but you had no idea what wwf mean at all and some is ecstatic that you now know a very very very very very very little BiT(e) of what wii know I wish for no more microwave
granted you heal yourself, and fight some other x-men without even remembering why you meet them in a deadly fight scene instead of a mongolian yourt sharing beer local equivalence. i wish i ve never met testuo dealer