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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. Floor 738: A sinusoïdal painting on each wall
  2. I will hope i like seafood. What would you do if you were Cronos and get a parachute as only weapon against your childs ?
  3. Pfewww that was close i grab a beer and whisper.
  4. i use some wind or flow to emulate a perma counter force to the black hole Our WIND!
  5. I stop the music after the song "upside down" ended then i try to find others crew member to show the latest results and ask them what they think of enlarging current test panel including more seed variety than actually and some sea vegetal regarding thoose results.
  6. I go to botanics room watching thing growing and once there open musics and intercom
  7. Granted, but unfortunatly it become so famous that you can no longer get out of your house without being harassed. I wish nobody want to be someone else.
  8. I told the AI that she might had miss something not trying thoose products by herself What would you do if you see a bear in a bottle ?
  9. Take your time and get the basis on a secure environnement, good project could be easy target in the shark pool. &+1 Nova
  10. remove pls http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/56832-Riddles/page141 wrong riddle thks
  11. atom move faster than human, and human move faster than universe in there relative referentials. "speed= whatever x time that pass observer scale relative" if we would be able to miniaturize our eyes so they fit an atom nucleus and electron scaleS related to stars and planets i just wonder what the sky would look like
  12. You missed, your target has lot of safe spots spot on the tops of the post that we're already spoting you. I give a weapon in your hand and i m watching what you're going to do with it.
  13. i found out that finding the kerbol system don't solve any of the question that sent me there in the first place. Wich is an answer in itself
  14. granted, but this not the tank you were thinking about. i wish for now more wish
  15. Shooting a jelly is worthless I invite the next poster to step at event horizon if he dare.
  16. May be, from my native language understanding i m a link The user below is held to the past.
  17. it make me think about saturn, time and centrifugation What would you do if you were an apple ?
  18. use and (don't) abuse recursive process yup yup ff, i do prefer seing each differences as a form of intelligence in anyway regardless of any value, time, or self environnement reference concern. This do not apply only to KSP and Indies. EDIT: in the same way xx xxx hours spent somewhere has potentential to be used elsewhere
  19. i answered this thread, so i guess i m guilty too *shrug*
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