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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. Yes i do especially virtual pokemon fish. The user below me like all kind of food but never though about even trying to taste them.
  2. Granted, you made a wish by subconscient ommission but it has unexpected result. Wish consciouness and subconsciouness to be more friendly each other.
  3. Cheater because invisible is meaningfull and least the less "i m in the dictionnary so i am"
  4. Granted by empathy *editon* then you feel the pain all around the rock like never before and like it's your own because you have no focus thanks to usual week work. *editoff* I wish longer night & day near each pole.
  5. Granted, unfortunately you made some more clone even more than expected I wish weak witch to use curse a smoother way.
  6. I do like usual aka *sick* *shrug* *yawn* and keep watch the show. How would you react if you been induced to learn "Braï" to barely survive ?
  7. Banned for looking here and not there.
  8. You can't jail I a jelly. And so on, i put the next poster along the green line.
  9. hey Tib, "parts are not yet release they escape", i guess it might require some heavy side work on docking code/plugin side. (or fit @best the current code design) Not followed the mod forum that much recently may be someone already undigged that a little bit worth a search.
  10. if "whenever" we live on celestial body with lower/higher gravity there simply no point asking that our bodies naturally evolve to fit the celestial bodies/stations. m2c it 's just of matter of time and adaptation compensative tech short Edit: "if there no answer that mean there no question" "the answer is noticed in the question itself" etc.
  11. A farmer next feelin' tired of 100% cotton since around 1950
  12. They got to pay attention to epoch&Loc&etc. egotic/vs/non- consciousness and sub- interact, wich tend to be quite random and with exponential variations. Interesting at first yup edit short version: human factor and main tendencies
  13. oh yeah let's be old school elite such a great game amongst history scuse young padawan for half off topic but that remind me i was spending 6hour a day for almost a month playing with 3dvirtual googles in 1989 i m glad to see them reach the public market 25 years laters Galaxian3 6 players arcade was kinda amazing too in 1991 (and so the 360° version in Japan) when we were playing with nes and master system xD
  14. m'Favorite Verne book is the "green ray" ever if i myself never finished it xD forgive me i have read all the others And yup the canon thing is great
  15. moooooooorrrreeee strut in adequation with the boosters that been left away
  16. serioulsy ? xD nova nova ralalalalala you're a bad guy, cheers mike' for me.
  17. bah until it make everyone laugh insteed of crying that's cool plus if you liked it so much to play 10,000 hours so far, next gen might find the interest in it too, and after all nothing has more value than that
  18. electron are nothing more than celestial bodies around a star. Human are limited by there sight horizons and times perception related to the species scales from micro-scope to macro-telescope. yup yup this is an endless loop
  19. or don't, for what it worth, notice that no movement could be equal to a more un/signifiant move depending the referential you're interested in, aka uchronism.
  20. *sick* *shrug* *yawn* Thoose rules are versatiles @ all levels even more than we could ever be able to suspect so *shrug* EDIT:
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