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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. https://xkcd.com/1850/ da vinci gallery , never heard ...
  2. ^^ some good rest afterward do it all ^^ welcome back ^^
  3. i just gonna that say: socio story telling psycho linguistic belief sparse context is complicated <= blablabla ruleZZzzzz well well rulesZZzzzz and me ... and HYPE ISRO ^^ 101% happy their share more & more content
  4. make me wonder how many %% 100 000¤ worth within "insert amount" bazillion ? but my bet would go to something like close to nothing do better next time
  5. don't, see you soon: may be or not ^^
  6. my brother should offer me this(or not far^^) the 15th: Sort of Happy wink & kerbal Day ^^
  7. i m not really a missilled planes fan, still they fly i heard
  8. false because level 778 high 4 just like ksp because ksp
  9. nope and sup , ) @somewherewheneverever
  10. 1 hum ? 2 hum i!i 3 did i ever told you about bandaïnamco hosting serverZzzzZzzzz and ED209(s) ?
  11. @regex & @ln400 @justjim do you here that fellow want to play sarcasmball , no for real ?
  12. thks & yup i was kinda guessin' around something(s) like that too (post launch/ignit vent & thermo, ah & yup local weather, fauna critical protect may be), another thing the 4 side booster seem to ignit after launch. i m kinda curious of the engineering reason behind that as well: accelleration, heat, materials stress, isp, delta-v, launch profil related. seem a very specific design choice (eventually partially emtpy/fullfilled depending payload // assembly line & launch profil ? modular/partial thrust ?)
  13. not sure if it really ended tho' according to www ... but it seem that after naruto 4 great ninja war we finnally reached html.5.0 ... this look promising ... sigh
  14. so tell me more about being born with a vr helmet on the head with 184 4781 474 frame per second and infrasound spam ... well how to say hum ...
  15. so it's about: is this a illumaniti confirmed photo or not , anyway it make people talk about it, may be more may be less
  16. they worked a lot on the general public internet isro portal the past few month ^^ mooaaar launch video moooaaaarrr ^^ http://www.isro.gov.in/gslv-f09-gsat-9/gslv-f09-gsat-9-lift-and-onboard-camera-video on a side note what i wonder since a while is what are all thoose falling stuff just after launch(s)
  17. nope just a i watch @ my "own" 'kind' and *shrug* @LN400 next
  18. i was in the mood for something just plain and stupid because stupid is good for health ^^ (no offend intended just dumb & dumber mode on)
  19. theorically i left school many years ago, ... technically ... well you know technically ^^ ^^ ^^
  20. meuhhhh non ^^ je pense pas, c surtout ke la plupart des personnes née en fr sur le fofo participe le plus souvent aux discussionx dans une autre langue que le fr. et pis y a le patch tjs:
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