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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. 1700 1900 wut again ? /sarcasm /irony //selfcensored see some people can write some stuff while some others "choose" not too, most of the time at least ((grumpf 3/4))
  2. i could sometime "random" click on a number top of the page then almost "random" click on a thread ... fun isn't it ? per random i "kinda" mean without really seeing the image of what i m doing ^^ might be hypnose auto hypnose, back procesing related sort off, a way or another at least, think blindtest for exemple for a close metaphor
  3. sort of kinda like usual, i was sort of bored with something amongst others things tickling my(?) mind since a while and did this:
  4. sure you learn or remind another paradox as an anti-paradoxs ; paradox exist only if you pay attention to them in the sum of thing it all depend how large is the sum after all i wish i just not posted what i just posted, agree @vexx32 ?
  5. "Banido por questionar a falta de informação do coleguinha desinformado que perdeu a informação em seu processo de obter informações desinformadoras.." that romlaglog², srrly ? for real this kind of thing rlly happen ?
  6. absolute relative theory it seem ^^ you sir made my day/night/now
  7. this is, let's say, a dynamic on going meme, i can't guarantee your sanity if you click and watch a "thirsty nein" link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXQZpgd5neY&feature=youtu.be&t=7m39s also if i told you i have this perticular sentence in mind for no reason the past six hour or so you won't believe me (but well unfortunately i start getting used to that kind of thing, without payin' while still a bit, much attention to them, it might has something to do with the amount of such occurences "lately" (whatever "lately" & "occurence" may mean right now), + the fact you believe it or not doesn't change much to my daily own stuffs and concerns and aboslute relativistic set of craps and goodness ; anyway), a yup why i do (re-)post that here now ? i just browsed something else on the forum, and droped a 1/2 grins 1/2 amused and was thinking well why not after all sometime it's weird you get some stuff in mind, then "life just happen"
  8. yup it remind me their lunch conversations as well, (some peop's are chocked by such conversations while there's no reason in fact) i myself wondered if i should not do something like that at some point ... but it's neccessary depressurization let's say ^^ "itadakimasu they said" hehe
  9. oh you sleep with an helmet for monitoring that ? fun ^^ anyway ^^ by wrong i m just saying you may not "necessarely" appreciate to remind a higher % of your "thought while sleeping"
  10. i used to know two elder wich died approximately at the same ages (around 80-85 or so): one had a healthy life till the end and died in 3 hour in the hosptial, this elder was doing every daily task alone but the last day the others spent 7 years at home with diabet, in an hospital bed wich replaced the sofa, close to unable to move from the bed but twice a week with medical officer to brought this elder to hosptial for the blood stuff (dialyse i guess but not sure of the english word) quantifying pain is something tricky, is it related to time, amount or anithing else ? is pain only a nervous physical feelings, could it be something else more psychological, is one worst from the others & etc ... also "deserving"(?) a painfull death is kinda a weird concept, i mean will it make anyone feeling better short/medium/long run if it kill someone else painfully or not ? it's a bit weird imho, notice that personnaly i m not convinced if life is more or less painfull than death itself, many writer also metaphorically describe death as "delivrance"
  11. sometime even when i don't want too, windows drop some news pic on my desktop, after all it's my fault i not removed the sticker to stay in touch with the world at least a little a few week back i have seen a pic about that one guy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_David_Steele damn where i have thrown my vip backstage card ... i don't remind ... a well i don't have one in fact ^^ so let me guess for the best or the worth or simply the buzz who know xDr
  12. make me wonder if the "mars" snack bar companies not infringed a milky way copyright belonging to everyone xDr after all who that planet name really belong too aside grec/roman mithologia or some others stuff alike before ^^ name copyright are so much fun sometime in their silliness ^^
  13. in fact not sure i should answer such a question ^^ it may cause brain failure here and there ... and well i know brain failure and their various outcome personnaly more than i d like too so ...
  14. banned like i m for not knowing accurately the exact amount of chemico electrico magnetico (else) oscilloscop we have in our own processing core(s) and their accurate fonctionnalities and all there variations from one to another, call that a brain if that please you, the word core could annoy some
  15. i'd like to mention i m out of like for today ... mostly because i dropped them on some others stuff i missed the past few weeks ^^ that being said ^^ (feel free to blame bandai namco for that and my urge to do some relaxing brain thingies, almost at least ... it depend of the gmt sort of)
  16. we found that most human(being "") emotions (let's say emotive field) have an infinitesimal magnetic/electrical disturbance signature carried per a large range of other wave lenght signal of course we can guarantee everyone that so far no human (or any other being) known is sensitive a way or another to that kind of thing, and anyway if it was the case it would be an abomination and we will just call thoose people sick for the sack of gauss normal distribution law and make all possible effort to make them disapear from darwin tree furthermore the most annoyin about this is that the sum of carried signal in a single ponctual location is quite a "very massive" mess to decipher "accurately", so the previous and above did we ever told you that "matter is full of void ?"
  17. when remind you that quote: "never pay attention to sentence starting with technically"
  18. mars© ... twix, snickers,oreo,kitkat incoming be rdy ...
  19. Grammar/lawsuit cannot compute over time xDr anyway don't you think it's fun birds can fly without going to school and learning math ? they just do it after all ^^ it's like that ^^ i wonder if we should bring birds to the supreme court for flying without even knowing math(s) basic(s) ^^
  20. sometime it's annoying to explain thing people aren't ready or doesn't want to here at all because they fear there lack of control over thoose things
  21. how many letter is an alphabet btw ? men del eye eve & grid are verse a tile more or less btw weren't you supposed to be in the kitchen cooking some pies ? ^^
  22. also don't forget the % thing directly refer to "throat and vocal chord subsytem and sound based communication" ^^ voyell and conson contrast system to form complex sound but well again this is a few earth being very local stuff (wich include some " biped ", while i d like to remind for exemple ants seem to prefer pheromon insteed of sound to communicate)
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