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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. on a side note, this story remind me when i was going to the towns park last or previous last summer (i don't exactly remind), drawing and writing some stuff watching/listening/etc. to the 3-10 years olds kids or so interacting at each others in the playground ^^ but this last statement may fit better in the writer tips and tricks subsection somehow ^^ sometime observing the kids play (this may apply as well to some others everyday event and situation) , you can just drop a few metaphor and write draw something incredible ^^ speaking of playground it's aslo "fun" to see all kids play together while their parents sit here and there or all together or not ^^ sometime i really wonder if there still not something to learn or relearn once you left early school, but i guess mass effect make some people really hermetic to some very basic stuff kids do instinctively at first
  2. granted replace them per something else, popularity is often time stamped after all i wish i have no idea with what you can eventually attempt to replace them with ^^
  3. hum i never did that figure before ^^ that ugly moment when you take 30 years in the bones and their rhumatism ... sigh ...
  4. then your warped to castaway island with wilson and finnally your "brought" back to civilization without COMEX step now you just wonder who had that silly idea to brought yout back from castaway island without following the depressurization QA sheet (because well let's admit you just want to punch that one straight in the face, sound legit after all xDr)
  5. nope nope nope ; fair enough @dundun[insertnumberbro']
  6. this "little" thing tend to be small details and little case very sensitive ^^ we won't blame google for that, shall we ? xDr
  7. nice ^^ love it EDIT bonus: keep it simple series ^^
  8. nothke was kinda an early sorcerer (/bow) ^^ i won't be surprised if some of thoose models and/or texture or else include some tricky trick and "to date source code weirdness logical fallacy kind funny non harmfull exploit back in the days" ^^ if i remind well he was that kind of modder loving to highlight some stuff this way might worth a check dunno ^^
  9. well i guess there many many way to say how and then as well as there many way to say sort of thks ; ) but not sure if this is a proper answer ^^ welcome around btw ^^
  10. btw, feel free to delete this one it was just a weird days within a weird week far far away somewhere along the backbones and 99,101% ksp unrelated (see edit) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/162623-grrr/&do=findComment&comment=3107132
  11. this: Palaging may ilang mga bagong wika, upang matuto this sort of aim a tuto in tag a log ohohoh badum tshhhh also autist have a weird sens of humor sorry ^^ blame kim peek eventually ^^
  12. and i will answer like usual either ask darpa.mil either steele, will smith talking to a pug may fit as well ^^ autist even lite are just what they are ; ) they can give you hand failry easily but can you ?
  13. it's fun because i just wrote something about gauss ^^ weird ^^ normal wut ? xDr
  14. i rarely decode anithing i just "feel" some stuff ^^ so who know if something if feel is metaphorically not that far or not even close ^^ sometime thing just happen i m just gonna say i m not someone whose gonna ask a dolphin or bat not to use infrasound, or a dog or a ant not to use it's pheromone extra sensitivities ; ) insert others fauna flora for whatever comp your interested in ^^ no magic , ) just biology , rng, and gauss normal distribution law far away from the 95% ^^ so no idea ^^ may be may be not
  15. :| /summon @klesh you come here grrrrrrrrrrrrr (jk 1/2) hey andy, may be keppler isn't far enough, all thing considered; may be we should start to think next sytem ^^ instead of keeping a sit near kerbol
  16. you can always us some typo trick in the writing context (( )) and storyline/caracter model sheet / cara design related some stuff have their own place
  17. next time may be they gonna said they found muad-dib witch eradicated the bacteria in it's stomach using press spice magic xDr oh oh oh this just too much ^^
  18. ... and then you skip from page 12 to page 26 and ask yourself how did the dicsussion turned like that ... page 17 i c and a lit comment slighty before ...
  19. yup , i m the kind of being who may eventually say that kind of thing, because well everithing can happen after all, but non gonna complain as you said ^^ (na ps else: @Azimech well , how to say or not to say ... no idea) & all the best and grats ^^ (just some old habits that tend to stick xDr) never heard ...
  20. hum ... let's do something else well just because why not: @SiradanOyuncu
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