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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. ah yup between 2dc rc ... 'sigh' ... @max_creative
  2. Still some issue with my internet box, it seem to shut down after i turn on the pc, it work properly with other devices but use to invariably lost connection a little while after i turn on the pc and then refuse to reinit until i remove the electrical cable for like some time.

    wich suggest that either:
    - my own pc send a ghost request somewhere
    - my own pc is used for some ip rooting stuff by someone else
    - the ip strike persist as long as i don't remove the box cable for a while even when the pc is turned off afterward

    not spoted anithing so far with the standard os tools but as it's start gettin' boring might investigate deeper soon ... almost two week now ...

    1. WinkAllKerb''


      another option would be something that periodically single ping my home pc ip, and start to ip strike from distance with a timer when it get a positive ping answer ...

      after two week i ll start being more and more in a capricious earth core mood

    2. WinkAllKerb''


      the caracteristic thingies is it only happen when i turn on the pc while i can use the box without problem with some others devices when the pc is turned off ...


  3. was it a robot from 50 000 ago ? just curious ... well things use to start somewhere usually
  4. do not ask the magic boulder why your suddenly gettin mad on phone close to the time an horrible event happen, it may answer it might has to do with the relative emos flooding the network signal a way or another, but the best remain when you learn yourself about the said event hours/days later & do not ask the magic boulder to use it s power so the ant ane suddenly unable to follow pheromonal track, the magic boulder gonna be very hunnappy because ants do that naturally and per default
  5. still you not answered anithing in pm kspbegginer , your private message remain a tad bit unclear, but if seem something really tickle you in the background so if something tickle you that much just ask it simply, cause i remain a tad bit dubitative with your last private message and aside 4 5 more or less happy guess i have frankly no idea what you were attempting to talk about
  6. internet box barely work more than 1hour a day for like 4 to 5 days now ... *sigh* ... things prolly gonna calm down by themselves at some point , meanwhile not much around.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheKSPBeginner
    3. WinkAllKerb''


      cooling doesn't seem to be that abnormal, but might grab a screwdriver and check dust inside just in case

    4. Urses


      Dust and Electronics 

      The World's best "Friends"

  7. may i have a flag for"the mutliverse not discovered so far" ? ^^ because well country that's so restrictive and without meaning, country .... it feel like neandhertal cavern 1 vs neandhertal cavern 2 .... let's hope internet gonna fix that old 50 000 years silly legacy that tend to stick a bit too much lately ....
  8. i dunno still it don't answer "how many silly chemico electrico oscilloscope we have in the head and does they behave the same for everyone and is there a notice on e-bay" ... as i m sort of busy eating pasta and frozen cheap steack once a day or two i hope you don't mind i don't answer thoose question myself
  9. title say it all, off topic is allowed, whatever:i ll start i m here for a few reasons one being that's since i m here and thanks to many members of the community i no longer have to deal with "white house" french psychatric hospital and their magic pills that supposedly aim without any sort of failures and side effects only one place in your body or brain, and well since i m around my brain sanity is much better than a few years ago, off course this is also one of the sole place i m not annoyed as a "lite autistic fiber person" and i d like it to stay as is whatever that mean ^^
  10. gone fishing hum tasty edit: oh and also autist don't care ... when an autist toc the matter do not come from the autist but from the environnement ... inprint that once and for all you ll be kind ... also autist start to be really really bored to spend huge amount of energy communicating with everyone when no one make effort communicating like autist *grumpf* also as a lite autist, go see elsewhere if i'm there, my daily concern are not exactly the same as yours
  11. well i have a cool story and i m gonna write here on the flow here as well: that the story of someone clicking on something knowing in advance exactly what it is. then stuff gonna happen because people were thinking the one who was clicking doesn t know what he was clicking all the fun i guess have fun but don t expect the someone who gived you a chance to watch how far you gonna push and leting you think you were in control of the whole situation to drop a single tear for pushing it sadly repeatdly and sadly too far that being said. well it s said don t whine afterward ^^
  12. nope just a ear or two or 3 that can't see sound within their spectrum @StupidAndybecause here is not here but elsewhere [on a side not oh the cat meme thread now i see the rèf, mode 15 days later]
  13. you know nothing yet, and this till your last days on this silly earth
  14. here you just get a very lite ban from someone who is heavily permabanned whatever, without reasons just because
  15. that's a story of a random guy, he was working in the basement when he was around 25old and he was in love with a girl, then suddnely while he was in the basement working the name of the girl started reasonning inside is head, reasonning so loudly and repeatdly that he found that strange, it was like that " [insert that girl name] , ground floor [insert girl name] ground floor, [insert girl name] ground floor" thoose tree word in an endless loop within it's head for like 3-5min or so, that was so strange that he decided to leave it's work and go check the ground floor. and you know the girl was there while there was abslolutely no reasons she was there because at this exact time she should had been elsewhere due to her agenda then lot of things happened may be later i write a few others cool story in the same spirit ; ) who know ^^ i have plenty after all ^^
  16. sometime it's inetresting to open the door intentionnaly i guess ; ) and see how it goes ^^
  17. do not merge with the magic boulder because you won't like it
  18. a pills a day keep the ills away you know why compass can feel the magnetic field accurately and bidep can't, because
  19. i remind the last time i changed my signature, i think it was because when i was posting stuff outside the community subsection i got so much ban and warning that i decided to make it easier for people to report me, also this isprolly why i rarely post anywhere but the game forum or lounge "some things changes an some things don't"
  20. i promised myself to never do that again, but that won't mean i will succeed
  21. weird ; ) you just get a "i m just gonna do like if nothing winkpoetpoet" @atari1632 next ^^
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