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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. the tralalalalalalala power of: to say at night "ni ni ni ni ni ... nii san ... i ichi need to pee in two air cube sat at first"
  2. when: "des fois j'ai juste envie dire a certains, mais tu vas la fermer ta grande gueule connard avant ke ca parte en fallout scenario avec t conneries" & when do not translate this is 301%² froggy(^^) bill sheet
  3. well let's suppose telepathy what ever the "approximate alternate form/shape/meaning" it took exist for a few ? does this even mean anithing ... anonimity ... well ... basically ... this specific words just mean nothing, absolutely nothing in that specific totally 300% hypothetical context ... but anyway this belong to science fiction right ? yep yep a good movies, books plot for the next theatre show ... wowo thoose cells phone are so small i can't count them in my own body, still they can read wi-fi while i can't ... weird isn't it ? as a said a earlier & generic way and unrelated to palwek own stuff ... and unrelated to space work related hireds people ... generic medics ... tend to be 25 75 ... wich is sort of a pelican brief sad story short ... also i won't discuss much further deeper this topic [4.2.2 back to one topics], and well i guess i t prolly has to do with self real over time in situ ,own experience ... something like that, may be
  4. i think: better sooner than (too) later also there's prolly (at least but prolly more) someone else who think like that ... no idea who
  5. the superpower to figure out that with total loneliness as a mate your're never alone at all
  6. irrelevant ; adult are much more often stupid than kids it's a fact: nuclear: electricity // bomb ... find the glitch where some [insert age/etc. here] biped messed up with it's purpose ? the kids really ? ... pom pom pom just sayin'
  7. hypocrate 25% hypocryte 75% feel free to bless the current economics 1929 colonialist on the late inherited model for that lovely approximate caricatural ratio ... in/out /rant
  8. i will sooner or later ^^ cs is the kind of titles i like to enjoy once in while like ksp when i need some relax
  9. time to time jar and erasmus box just belong medused to tame time theme ...
  10. there's something weird about this ^^ anyway ^^
  11. "autism fiber spectrum", but you know actually according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DSM-5 actually they just don't really get it at all ... oh and btw the original post is from cratercraker, this one is just a repost, so thks crater for asking this at first a while back ^^
  12. why not either hebaru either sarbi or devogen enventually , but i guess it's been a while xDr
  13. aside my internet box dcing and being unable to reconnect when my pc is linked to it & turned on, nothing special to complain about ^^
  14. it's been a while but i think i was really creative and inspired today: off course it might depend wich kind of rules your usually follow or not ^^
  15. <pseudo necro & slight side off topic ON> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neural_coding Awww, some missing comment and edit notification early on, weird ;...; may be not, still i don't remind the last time i played starmade, but wookayr after all <pseudo necro & slight side off topic OFF> work as intended, don't live in bubble , we had a tralalala
  16. post it for later: "i don't see how this could impact a ... way "
  17. "trading joe" hum, this apply to a large range of being, even some you won't think at first ;§; true true ^^
  18. do not summon @Souper in the magic boulder thread
  19. what the difference between electronics arts, keen software, wild card, paradox, squad, unkown world, chucklefish & [insert a few others]... oh oh oh
  20. nope nope nope @sibar because the mud is strong in that one, mud did i just said mud ... oh well ... for what i m concerned with mud nowdays ...
  21. i m any ceo(s((ZzzzzZzzzzzzzz)) ) everyday best friend ... yup yup ...
  22. you just draw ink how to you oink if you not a pig ?
  23. "tommorrow we're gonna realease on e-bay a tutorial that explain how to hack civilian liner planes using the sat network and else to make them crash easily for everyday warmongering scenaries, in the old mayan sacrificial spirit"
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