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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. (( this bring the hide and seek thing (my steack i won't share the secret i make lot of money from it haha) )) (((§))) or said another way, thoose who don't like it is thoose who don't want to share with everyone, and that use to keep thing for themselves (and see others knowledges as something unvaluable while they high take profit of wiki things all days)
  2. well "any "one"" can grab a keyboard and wrote something there, anyway thoose who you refer too in that paragraph, in this way they are part of it imho, if they don't take time to write then thoose entities could complain endlessly about all benefit/drawback ?? the wiki knowledge grant them ... @technicalfool next so to me this specific point is biased
  3. oh it's grands couturiers fashion week ? yup yup
  4. just curious, personnaly supporting B choice obviously, while country won't have anithing to say on what's dynamically published there, languages and knowledges evolved a lot since cavern ages and i think it belong to every earth beings, plus the monthly taxe per citizen and per country will be ridiculous applied to servers cares (like 0.00001 cent or something may be) (by equally divided: per individual might be better dunno, then come the counting individual thingies, and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gross_national_product & etc ... anyway it should belong to state as a taxes imho ) national education tax, international education tax anyone ? "quota-pars" system refer to something applied applied in urbanism and co-property to divide a building maintenance cost amongst the people living in the building
  5. i think i m really the kind of person that should build a boat, set a fisher rod and go build a cabane @ st paul near the artic circle ... even if may die of cold or a poisonous fish quickly ... i tend sometime to think it might be better to struglle there than watchin' all the crap here on earth
  6. just gonna say that as i have been a few month without seein any world news, stuck at home, avoiding news kind of pop up , adds and whatever of that kind and all, and well restarted to watch a littl' since a week or so, because spent a few hours per days with some family, and they have a radio and/or tv turned on, and it's a bit depressing after not seein any news for long ...
  7. yup and gettin' old prolly doesn't help with some specific thing, but we all have some period with more this or that's could it be a tv show, a sport, some art, foods and etc. and etc. by design it's impossible not do something
  8. (out of like for today but) @kos a philosophical sub forum anyone xDr ... aie aie aie ... sometime it slip slowly like if nothing ...
  9. i was asking myself if the rep quest here, anywahere, elswhere, has something to do with feeding, ego, whatever, i really wonder why some run after rep, some don't and some totally don't care

  10. [no 6, no pole it tick, no real higgs ion ] did i ever told you thoose peop's in the science and spaceflight sub forum, always come to bring money at some point in a thread ... find the glitch ... oh well ...
  11. exactly what bring the "fart proudly"-benjamin franklin- (hurtaut & etc.) thematic, context, and problematic ; kinda ... one word and it's interesting disambiguations: https://imgur.com/crO3MJE
  12. food for thought series: https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/François_Rabelais Wisdom entereth not into a malicious mind, and that knowledge without conscience is but the ruin of the soul Variant translation: Wisdom entereth not into a malicious mind, and science without conscience is but the ruin of the soul. Original: Science sans conscience n'est que ruine de l'âme. but it somehow has to do with the klingon version 1950 and klingon now (series were really kitch back in the days, they were also much less tv channel, much less tech everywhere in lot of peoples lifes ; also . . .)
  13. this afternoon i poked the spider near the kitchen window wich is always open summer and winter, just to let her know i was happy she look healthy there instead of behind the bed shelves month back, while sleeping i think she' been hunappy i awaken her middle of the afternoon, entered the house and bit me ^^ how do i recognize spider bit ... don't ask ^^
  14. "enslavement"( but let's say "encounter" with two civilization with different history) use to be a mutual process (kinda like symbiosys or parasitism), it just not always appear clearly at first, sometime it's longer, and drawback and/or benefit are common due to contrast over time
  15. anyone remind the ender ending ? that kid leaving it's kind to find a planet for a giant ant ? might has something to do with this "temper" diff ^
  16. something that i change time to time ; ) actually it's just an andy waroll copy past of some forum icon
  17. a higlhy math/physics equation orientend game ^^ one of the first that "touched" a large public ((if not The)) (yeah yeah orbiter ... yeah yeah kos ... yeah yeah coding mechjeb ... far , remotech etc ...)
  18. well that's always something to start with ; ) let's see how it goes ^^ xDr "idea(s) are like tree(s) ; many roots in the past, a present trunk, and many branch in the futur, sometime you harverst the fruit, seeds, leaf yourself, sometime not"
  19. i ll stick to some of my ten first post may be all may be not ^^ https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/search/
  20. monstah know me, i m not human and i don't want to what if ? still my battery use to be low sometime and i have to what if killer/not a killer
  21. well prolly a good series for the elder and newborn ; ) might be something like that, but well selling a name and respecting/changing/updgrading/remastering/wasting the content might depend, it could be cool or not, and the sole way to know is to have a long talk with the "producer", "scenarist", and "theatre director" imho (and will thoose three caracter watch it ? well they prolly won't, they kinda know what's it's all about ^^ )
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