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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. welcome around ; ) i do rarely do that but nice av & usr nm^^
  2. i was in mood to necro this ; ) because why not ; ) and what for xDr
  3. this one also: be aware this is a mutli threaded across the net answer ^^
  4. good question and thks for asking ; ) docking undocking ; ) no idea ; )
  5. "fidget never heard, here the video that repsect etnical quota (seem the previous one is from denmark not sure) :" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsSg-bqHvXo
  6. don't pay to much attention just recovered a lit bit of faith in thoose planet sillies bipeds (oh and give a momentum btw :3 :3 :3)
  7. that's gonna make square enix happy : 3
  8. #spacecamp alike ; ) ^^ amusing for sure ^^
  9. stranded deep, i need a fishing rod and a boat/raft 'sigh'
  10. i got one crater finnaly, a flag for here: https://www.google.com/maps/@-38.7208662,77.5271338,4460m/data=!3m1!1e3 i just felt in love with that place so it desserve a flag i guess, and i don't see anyone but you to do one ^^
  11. no idea bro' ; ) take a turn up there ' ) i "mostly" just stick on one word amongst all the others from this interview, when he spoke about "emergencies", nuff'said & say it all to me , at least
  12. q/search=romlaglog the story just begin xDr
  13. He won't let you do that silly thing again-Passive voice ...
    https://forum.wordreference.com › English Only › English Only
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    6 oct. 2013 - 8 messages - ‎4 auteurs

    Dictionary and thread title search: English- ... You won't let do that silly thing again ( I think this sentence is correct) ... ( I wonder whether "let " can be used like "make" in passive voice) ... They made me do it. ... In this sense "to let" means "to allow," so typically you'd say something like, You will not be allowed.

  14. wont to be/don't want to be == %% µ@¤ what for /~ not what for *.formatD; word==meaning & human = none // amount +- atoms and void between star i m not that silly thing most people mean when they use the word " h u m a n" =/^§ it's just a temp sum/soubstratction of stuff wich include writing talking and many others interaction == we re the result of all our interaction and being reminding thoose past present future interaction @one time ;
  15. officialy no, according to that pug dog in mib yes , )
  16. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/159729-so-what-song-is-stuck-in-your-head-today/&do=findComment&comment=3192477 can' it be possibly moved to "thread to complain a boot stu#ff" ? //lounge thks
  17. yesterday i figured out i can head it faster than jarvis for a (very very very) little while, then i need to sleep, pee and poo
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