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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. in 2017 confusion and confusion care seem to have a purpose ... confusing expert that make lot of money, confusing expert that want none, something about balance and qa prolly gun fear and fear amongst population and all nd etc ..., you know i personnaly often wish someone they drop a nuclear bomb on france right top of my house so .... or a a bit away so i can my feel my flesh burn very slowly one or the other anyway i m all but be pleased to be around about people questionning themselve %% before questionning others and revert local leaders (jedi / empire) social overall social care etc ... may be just that ... and random event
  2. matrix: "the later a mind awake to what float in the air the more damage it's gonna be able to create, to every reality on others mind surrounding it, then come the question, should mind get awaken on before birth or never get opened before death, but as far as we know that's a question anyone should answer by itself and avergae school , beliefs form as something to do with it, dumbing the environnement for profit well, never bode well" please remove "selfi", from people brain, thks ... wink ... you ve to understand selfi just been a name i gave myself for years before everyone start to make selfi everywhere, when i use to have a "normal" life ... and i hate it, i just hate it now ... no better explain available sorry ... using the word selfi is like give a call to my head let's say ... then brains network of all people using selfi just spad stuff ... how ... no idea guess, may be i m the earliest longest person called selfi so far by others irl [insert write a book about it, it's a good sceneri, i won't because of perma flood]
  3. i shared for free an incredible amv idea, fellow mixer and you tuber on your mark .... go :3
  4. i sleep 30 minute then woke up and think hum let's put kagerui generic with an old 80's music video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nmH_WCh68Q sound: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQqwG_rQx7A start video after the blank in the sound one let simmer, enjoy eventually do the amv by yourself using whatever video sound mix editor and throw some you tube add top of it ... don't forget the i own nothing disclaimer
  5. well i currently focus the will to eat, thks for asking, once i m done (re)-finding the will to eat normally like long ago when i was younger, as well well as some others others commonly shared daily task, the next step gonna be get a job again now trully i ll be glad to give a reasonable reason why my stomach bacteria say we're hungry hungry wink please feed us and why the brain oh shut up silly stomach bacteria i don't give a damn about your hungriness i just want to shut up once and for all there no reasonable reason to eat in this crazy world ... it's just annoyin kinda like that: but may be you have a profession in mind that you think i have the ideal profile for and start tommorrow ?
  6. un truc de geek, une copine belge sur fb, un sketch ovni totale:
  7. yup still harvester, no news or video or picture or article since a long time ... and i searched the net a lot on a regular basis, so as someone who easily imagine the worsts scenarios before the better one, i even ask myself if something bad happened to him .... may be he made enough money to retire and totally cut with squad and ksp, or still around using another account, or still working on the game and making story telling to tease hacker kind of public, who know he can even work for the aeb, nasa isro whatever now etc. and etc. or may be he was doing some stuff with a bad guy and get killed, the amount of possible scenario ... but whats remain weird is the no news thing when you search on google ... felipe just disapeared from google search so it's bit weird ... let's say the moach avatar, the pizza delivery meme when sarbian and a few others modder joined the team etc ... it's a bit mindbugging but when you type felipe fallanghe on google you don't find anithing fresh since a while, wich to me is a bit weird as he is a talented coder
  8. http://winkal.com/share i m a fan xD
  9. n-dimensionnal sphere ... "erk" ... beware thoose thing can hurt you brain badly as time goes ^^
  10. well keep in mind i spent 25 years out of forty under heavy medication, because my mom believed the medic when i was 15 and i blieved my mom, and that i spent a few years in a psychatric hospital, even contention room for some weird reasons, it's gonna make you feel better, believe me i don't have a degree in neuro science, and i won't start some study to get one today on the other hand, i have some "life is strange" and random for anyone experiences
  11. another thing i like about any religion, god is so stupid it speak only one languages from only one book, god don't use money, only biped do
  12. it was about a star trek plot, and what kirk gonna answer before using the teleport, something like that, why it's title and content been removed, no idea also i don't produce netflix script, but you know many series nowdays use some random internet place writing from random persons that's share there day or thought, mix them and create script automatically, then you just need to find some actor , produce and hope the public like it some site use a mix of vectorial imaging and text to autogenerate meme or whatever some algorythm use meme to create series etc etc ... subnautica as an exemple of title i enjoyed a lot a while back , it's story and content is largely inspired by people writing on it's forum, but like many many others ea games, the market is kinda scarse nowdays all in all that's some commonly shared stuff nowdays in communication and story telling applied in many sector, publicities, politics etc. & etc ... what i found weird is people thinking they discover the graal when the phenomenom just escalate more and more since centuries might has something to do with i want a women with money, i want a man with money, i have already plenty of money i buy as much women or men, some people want me to do a mistake beacause i have a lot of money and want my seat, or the people that use to think money well don't really care i m not especially running after it etc . etc. well might has to do with money money money ^^ but i use to say the more they are running after money using weird process the more they are and the less it's gonna work
  13. here where i m born csa (censorship commities of audiovisual) wich is a 1950 thing when there was 1 tv channel so it's fun it's the confederate thing in the us ^^ love the work made with the flag
  14. i don't remind the title of the book but i remind it's plot: it's a book where scientist discovered that brain emit some specific frequencies when you talk, they associated each word in every existing languages, to the point they and some others become able to throw some thought in people brain using the electrical device surrounding them using the dtmf or ntmf process, result where quiet sparse from an individual to another and depending the kind of emotive field frequencies as well (fear, sexual, hot, cold and all and all & etc.), they were even able to associate emotion with wording thought, at some point later population became immun to that, some run into suicide, some run into killing random, some people build a fortune from it, some totally don't care, some thought they found the grall but forgot some don't wanted to share that cake, some people get killed, some civilian revolution happened, some war etc etc. much later some people became telepath more or less roughly and accurately naturally producing with there own biological brain there own dtmf and ntmf on surrounding signals using mimetism like darwin describe it etc. etc. while some others where still using there cell phones the topics was kinda taboo at first before thing became totally out of control a nice sci fi book sadly i don't remind the name, but it's was really creepy to imagine it could happen for real
  15. "it's hard to hijack any electrical device and make it produce some neurofrequencies, and well disminushing return you know, we've never heard about that"
  16. may be all this could be merged with the off topic game thread, but well usually the trhead owner do that now if you want to have a long long long long talk about that kind of forbidden ondulatory device ... why not ... but i don't really see the point of course we can discuss of how all this in applied in nowdays videogaming industry, but i don't see the point as well i found the graal, graal not it's a trap, abuse a process and disminushing return are rarely far, also it's ksp unrelated, just some very basic generic stuff for random readers
  17. imagine me like a cell phone, or magnetic compass or whatever, like thoose i think i m sensitive to some stuff more than usual, i can't prove it i can't disprove it as well but it's like saying some are better at math, some at sport or whatever, the math behind chemico stuff, and ondulatory stuff doesn't really interest me due to this sensitivity but you know it's like the crowd control sonor thing forbidden a while back so i "feel" thing all the time and i have a huge pain translating them mutlithreading them on a few interent i like and sharing with some person that may be interested in them the sole thing i can say is translating thing you feel in your body or brain is a real pain, i just try to keep my sanity, i have already made my time in psychatric hospital long ago under very heavy medication and now i m far from convinced there molecules are 100% accurate in aiming stuff in the brain, so the pharma lobbies isn't exactly what i can call some friend same may apply to drugs or psychotropes due to this aggressive mind flowing sensitivites i also have a huge pain doing some simple daily task for most while i m not a deep autist, i more a "lite autistic fiber person" that the best rational and scientific explain i can provide to use the dune metaphor, let's say "human calculator sensitive to ondulatory phenomenom", but many many many many many many other book have some alike metaphor, how no idea, at first it's annoyin for me ... this is also the reason why i avoid steam forum, or front page, because it's always a mess
  18. https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Legacy_Gift
  19. ask eddy murphy and morpheus waiter, theirs only some big mama on my race starting line now, no pseudo hypothalamo hypophyse (pseudo)healthcare standardisation pretty puppies women ...
  20. can you explain that very slowly or should i take time to get it ... well posting/dropping that here because i do not wanted to search the offtopic game thread ... well it's usually better if people get it by themsleves
  21. WildernessOrCircuitMotoMotoMoto(carwutcardoesexistreallywildernessdoesexistaswellreallly)Racing meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehh meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehh
  22. what i have in mind, especially, is even nowdays, people that see others as slave or partner, thoose who feel empowered, and thoose who apreciate everyone work usefull for the community i met both of thoose when i used to work in various grand hostel, it's both comforting and terriffing at the same some people show some respect to everyone daytask and stuff, and some just don't (mostly because money always more money mind stuck)
  23. c s a is another trhee letter thing with many disambiguation on wikipedia, sometime it's weird to take a 3 letter thing and watch the various, sometime opposite thing it may refer too also disambiguation may vary depending the languages, and it's also interesting to watch the difference amongst various languages
  24. it seem i asked something complicated a while back, and your not really inspired with my request a flag without flag https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toothpick
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