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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. asking something to google, and publishing part of the mosaic result here:
  2. i met one of thoose no choice guy 20 25 years ago because the way you cross people road in life is random, anyway, i always keep him and it's pal somewhere in my mind, weird life amongst others, thks for the explain
  3. well the return part, prolly require the same amount of factory, hand, brain, etc. and etc. than it require here to make something into orbit, but well it's 2017, the sun not yet reached mars so i guess it's "needed" at some point, on the other hand i m totally out when it come to: when and how exactly and cost and media story telling expected or not return still i tend to support, the better sooner than to late policy ...
  4. why some river are full of mercure ? why some people have to swim in them ? is it unhealthy ? badum tshhh ...
  5. might depend if you're daily work is to swim in full of mercure rivers or selling candy in disneyland ... prolly that i guess ... garbage work is boring, whatever garbage may refer too anyway daily "stuff & work" and wich degree brought you there, prolly not harass everyone mind the same way ... and anyone remain free to be more concerned with one or another aspect imho life as time goes is the best degree you'll ever be able to get, and no one will give it to you, this need to be granted all alone, but well some people like that someone recognize them with a degree while some other totally don't care, most young kid don't have any degree but you know "truth often come from the kids mouth" degree are something that should be take with caution ^^ they not always worth that much overall, not allways but sometime
  6. "more or less grumpy days are more or less grumpy days, reasons worth what they worth, are what they are, since between and since" being able to think is a weird gift - you & me & you
  7. you may like this anime: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kado:_The_Right_Answer most of it's story line is around that, good caracters, nice plot devellopment, not much episode, so a well made sum up sort off imo
  8. true there a is a strong paradox , between darwin "law of the strongfull or more able to do this or that @ delta t & @ lamba environnemental condition" and the "noah ark gardener metaphor" it's sort of: "wrath everithing just because meee i m the best" or "be wise and balance at best with all i can interact and perceive assuming your own perception is limited"
  9. may be the best is to eradicate all poor, mid poor people on earth, destroy ai and automat and let only the mid rich, very rich people do what's missing of course they prolly gonna argue that poor poeple does nothing essentially usefull, yup garbage collect, farming etc. and that they can maintain there way of life without it ... are they even serious sometime ... or just dumb to a point of contemplating themselves in the mirror like snow white sorceress ? /sarcasm irony & food for ...
  10. while i would personnaly argue that in the current whole earth socio-economico-politico-spiltted legacy countries-belief- local tech state schemes, it would be an excellent reason to play 1789 or fallout real scale, but well valuable , tend to refer to the 1929 post wwii economico "theorically dying but not really dying explicitly and effectively colonialist persisting" scheme, and well i ll admit it easily, i personnally don't see any econimcal model lasting forever as for now, and may be the days to come also i hate* to do it but i m just gonna remind, that 500 ago there was no internet, and no instant translation, and etc. ; it was easier to push populations warmongering each others for silly "meeeh no your not an earth citizen like everyone" reasons "go fight the neighboor because blablabla"... and while today it's kinda also find the pertinent infos in the whole mess as well ... greedy selfish brainwasher and assimilate isn't really what we miss in 2017 ... just a detail prolly ... it kinda bring the "mib", or "stargate" problematics, yup we can effictevely do this or that or not or else, who on earth should know about it , "valuable" is a dangerous word, for who upon who, everyone, a few ?...
  11. can't find a favorite, but the first one that come to mind right now at gmt=now: really enjoyed "lost" back in the days, but the kinda jesus/god/heaven/hell copy pasta slighty script rushed few last(s) episode(s), but well it was prolly not an easy task to write a ending for a serie like that (that old matrix 3, masse effect 3, etc. and etc. "meeeeh wut that ending" kind of complaint, the best a whole story is the harder it is to find a proper ending and keep thing open minded with many path instead of closing it with an old leitmotiv rough caricature)
  12. some more of my crappy art ; ) a mix of xkcd style and painted copy past
  13. you mean sending stuff using a another ip router and gateways methods ? as for now a bit excessive and ressource heavy ... ah well i c what your doing here :3
  14. no issue with the img hoster i use, but well it use to happen once in a while for almost not to say all hoster, give it time and feedback to the forum team so they can forward
  15. granted , wich atom you pooed "liquided"<=lulZzzz inspired expired washed and etc, birthdays it is exactly [i don't want to be annoiyn but you do realize that the dynamic sum/substraction of all of atoms inside your sub/consiouscness is sort of sparse ?] i wish i couldn't have a talk with anyone about lifespan
  16. let it time to get sorted out, seem better as time goes, (same here mostly)
  17. [edited] , ) it bring some interesting thoughts thks
  18. "earth will never be engaged enough according to the challenges for the generations to comes" - you & me & you - On a side note, regarding strong engagement of australia the past yearsssss for wildife , oceans and all, i just want to say welcome and all the best with everyone up there.
  19. some stuff as well https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soumission_librement_consentie
  20. i had to bump this one, for some reason, badum tshhh *sigh*
  21. shop now rice chope no rice shop no rice chope now rice chope nor ice shop nor ice did i ever told you about chuck norris ?
  22. learnt about this yesterday or so from family as i don't watch news or tv, ... seem complicated around centripete galapagos forces, different plates speed and three plate from east + mexico area foundation sediment stratification ... 7.1 ... i use to miss word with stuff like that, so you know family, friend, and all and kids ; elder & everyone there ...
  23. not speaking of the travel from here to there concern and specific problems, but well , once there the moon interaction on bio being on earth keep me a little dubitative over time, adaption might take a few generation ... may be, may be not
  24. "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_quantization well let's just say that's exactly how most being eyes works, could apply to sound, taste and else as well"
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