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  1. So Take-Two is going to be one of the companies present at E3 next week, and this could mean some KSP2 at the event, so I think we should discuss! Take-Two does currently have two unannounced games in development so it could very well be those, but I can still see them dropping some news or maybe a new trailer, just to keep hype and interest up while they're in development. What do you think? Will there be anything KSP2 related at E3, and if so what might they show? Could it be related to the "Something more" mystery? Or is this all just conjuncture? Who knows, but its fun to discuss!
  2. Back when KSP2 was first announced I posted a question in the Announcement thread on this forum to Star Theory asking if KSP2 will be developed ethically. Completely free of crunch and other developer-hostile practises. They responded and they said yes. Then this happened: KSP2 is no longer being developed by Star Theory, and the way it ended up no longer being developed by Star Theory was, regardless of why it happened, Unethical As All Hell. As someone who's both interested in video games and as someone who works as a game developer I'm not sure I can ethically speaking purchase this game anymore. I'm sure that, as a community stuffed full of developers, modders, computer scientists, artists and content creators that there are many of you that will share that sentiment. Furthermore the transfer over to the new studio, the delays and the fact that the KSP2 license was pulled from Star Theory over them refusing to agree to Take 2 Interactive's terms for a buyout all makes me nervous that the game will not be developed as promised: with an ethical degree of respect for the health and mental wellbeing of its developers, free of exploitative mechanics such as micropayments, mod friendly, unhindered by dangerous "anti-piracy" spyware, and available free of exclusivity on all major digital storefronts. So as a community I would like to ask for you help. As KSP2's main audience together I think we have the influence to ensure KSP2 is held to an ethical standard that will not be compromised by Take 2 Interactive's corporate decision making. I know it's a big ask, I'm sure we've all been excited for the promise that is KSP2, but if we all agree to stand together as one to hold Take 2 to a set of ethical standards, I believe we can ensure that KSP2 is developed in a way that is healthy for the developers and released in the state it was promised to be in to the community. Below is a statement I have written. I'd like you all to read it and if you agree with it I'd appreciate if if you showed your support to this sentiment by signing this petition WE, THE KERBAL SPACE PROGRAM COMMUNITY PROMISE THAT WE WILL NOT PURCHASE THE GAME KERBAL SPACE PROGRAM 2 UNLESS IT ADHERES TO THE FOLLOWING ETHICAL STANDARDS: 1) THE DEVELOPMENT TEAM AT INTERCEPT GAMES MUST NOT BE FORCED OR OTHERWISE COERCED TO CRUNCH AND/OR WORK UNPAID OVERTIME DURING THE DEVELOPMENT OF KERBAL SPACE PROGRAM 2. 2) KERBAL SPACE PROGRAM 2 MUST NOT FEATURE EXCLUSIVE PRE-ORDER CONTENT, DAY-ONE DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT (DLC) OR PAY-LOCKED CONTENT (PLC), NOR MAY IT CONTAIN A PURCHASABLE IN-GAME CURRENCY OR IN-APP PURCHASES IN ANY OTHER FORM, COSMETIC OR PAY-TO-WIN MICROTRANSACTIONS, OR LOOTBOXES ("SURPRISE MECHANICS"). 3) KERBAL SPACE PROGRAM 2 MUST BE RELEASED ON ALL PROMISED ONLINE STOREFRONTS, STEAM, THE XBOX MARKETPLACE AND THE PLAYSTATION STORE, AT THE POINT OF LAUNCH ON SAID STOREFRONTS' RESPECTIVE PLATFORMS AND AT THE SAME POINT IN TIME REGARDLESS OF REGION. 4) KERBAL SPACE PROGRAM 2 MUST RELEASE WITH THE PROMISED MOD SUPPORT. FURTHERMORE TAKE 2 INTERACTIVE MUST NOT CLAIM ANY OWNERSHIP OVER USER-GENERATED CONTENT WITHIN THE END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (EULA) INCLUDED WITHIN THE KERBAL SPACE PROGRAM 2 RELEASE. 5) KERBAL SPACE PROGRAM 2 MUST NOT RELEASE ON PC PACKAGED WITH INTRUSIVE DIGITAL RIGHTS MANAGEMENT (DRM) SOFTWARE, INCLUDING THOSE PRODUCED BY DENUVO SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS GMBH. NOR WILL KERBAL SPACE PROGRAM 2 FEATURE ANTI-CHEAT SOFTWARE PRODUCED BY DENUVO OR OTHER COMPANIES AS IT WOULD VIOLATE THE ABOVE CONDITION REGARDING MOD SUPPORT. 6) IN THE EVENT OF FUTURE CHANGES IN THE DEVELOPMENT TEAM, SUCH AS THE CHANGE OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIO FROM STAR THEORY TO INTERCEPT GAMES, TAKE 2 INTERACTIVE MUST, AS A SIGN OF GOOD FAITH, RELEASE A STATEMENT DETAILING THE CAUSE AND NATURE OF THE CHANGE IN DEVELOPMENT TEAM. IN THE EVENT OF A SERIOUS BREACH OF THE ABOVE CONDITIONS, WE THE KERBAL SPACE PROGRAM COMMUNITY AGREE AMONGST OURSELVES TO BOYCOTT THE RELEASE OF KERBAL SPACE PROGRAM 2. SIGN HERE I want to close out by saying that I hold no ill will against the former Star Theory development team who moved over to Intercept Games, and please don't harass them or Intercept Games for continuing to develop the game they set out to develop.
  3. Hello everyone, We have very exciting news to share with the KSP community today: Take-Two Interactive has purchased Kerbal Space Program. The important thing to know is that this big news doesn’t change much for the KSP community. Squad and the current development team is still here and we’re hard at work on KSP and its future updates, but now we are fortunate enough to do so with the help of an experienced publisher like Take-Two, and we couldn’t be more excited and happy to see where our conjoint collaboration will take KSP forward. Right now, we’re still focused on the Kerbal Space Program: Making History Expansion and we’ll continue to keep you updated on our progress. And yes, we’re keeping our promise of free DLC for everyone who purchased KSP through April 2013! We’re continuing to work closely with Blitworks on the updated version of KSP for consoles, which will be available on the Xbox and PSN digital stores when it is complete. This will be a free update for anyone who already owns KSP on Xbox or PS4. We can’t wait for you to play what we’ve been working on in the coming months! This is a very exciting time for KSP and the Community, and we hope you’re as thrilled as we are. The team at Take-Two are big fans of KSP, who have been persistently knocking on our door trying to work with us for a long time. They share your passion for the game and we’re really eager to see what Squad and Take-Two can do together for Kerbal Space Program moving forward! Happy launchings! -The KSP Development Team
  4. So as GTA V fans have probably heard by now, Take-Two Interactive, the parent company of Rockstar, the people who make GTA have sent a cease and desist letter to the creators of Open IV. Open IV is the biggest mod support... ummm... thing for GTA V. It's more or less the Module Manager of GTA. KSP was just acquired by Take-Two, so are we next? Let's make sure we aren't!
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