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Everything posted by rentaspoon

  1. Personally I don't see the point of arguing about if FAR. Stock is realistic to the point where it's still fun. FAR is try realistic, so for people who want a simulator, its the closest thing they can have. Both are better than the old stock model
  2. So far I'm flying on the dirt runway and have unlocked only the basics but I'm really enjoying the aero's and the fins on rockets now feel like they are doing a job where as before they felt like they where doing nothing to help. My rockets now need the fins, otherwise I have to incorporate a 360° spin into the flight. Planes take off and fly nice and easy, however don't fall to pieces like in ferram and I could be fooled into believing that I'm flying a flight sim. Stalling is also a enjoyable feeling too, the feedback from the planes makes it very easy to tell what you have done wrong and how to compensate design wise. Finally you don't need SAS to fly anymore.
  3. I want to thank the devs and the people that volunteered there time to making this game, I haven't been this hyped for a game for about 10 years. As for 1.0 I haven't touched career until now as I usually get stuck due to being unable to get enough science personally I would like a way to swap science out for R&D for spending cash on parts. As for crashes I've had one. So thank you Squad and thank you volunteers for all the hard work and dedication.
  4. I tried .25 and crashed into the space plane hanger which just crashed my laptop, I tried again but had an error going into the cockpit and out ended up with the camera at an odd angle and smashed into the ground. Love the capsules are now stronger, watching a mk2 cockpit cartwheeling to a stop is pretty damn funny Will be sticking to .24.2 for now as my career is unfinished and had a massive drop in performance drop in .25
  5. They are light weight and make good low orbit mun landers, I've made a few "life boats" for stranded Kerbal and the fuel efficiency was better than a LFO lander. But apart from that they are pointless to me.
  6. So its been a while since I've done a bit of modding (combat flight sim, half-life 2 and sims 2) and I've wanted to create something in KSP for a while I was playing KSP and creating rovers, my issue was having to load the Kerbal every time into the ext command seat. I'm trying to create the external seat with kerbals already loaded into the seat at the start, I'm guessing this is set by a piece of code in a module or am I going to have to treat this as a command pod? Can someone point/shove/poke me in the right direction?
  7. LOL, I have a rescue probe to pick up stray Kerbals constantly orbiting when that mission comes up I've not been any further than Duna, only just realised the benifits of gravity assists I only really use the 3, I have a feeling I won't be so lucky now
  8. Jeb: currently orbiting Kerbin Bob: overshot the Mün due to a freak time warp incident and ended up on the north pole of Duna, don't worry we have a probe launched to send him a nice cabin and a bottle of skotch then we will send a rescue team. Bill: enjoying a nice break after a long and successful mission to the Mün since Jeb is unavailable he'll be testing the next set of space planes (shhh we haven't told him yet) So where are yours?
  9. Thank god I got the return tickets to hype town Please... It doesn't need wings it has a hype®driveâ„¢ that runs off dreams and rainbows
  10. Glad I'm not the only one struggling, I've made lots of successful landings but none with wings. I need to learn because I'm going for a no parachute no revert career once I finish this one
  11. 5 minutes long enough i'll keep trying though
  12. I love this mod pack but I can't get it to work with a stock install, keep getting CTDs @ the space center overview and the aggressive texture reduction mod just freezes KSP
  13. Hello, This is a question that's been bugging me for a while, if I want to install say B9 and the firespitter mod, which one do I install first as they both have the firespitter folders but B9 only have the dependency (if I'm correct)
  14. For some reason my brain told me ksp island had a ramp on that picture but it was the mountain :-S . bit disappointed now!
  15. Great.. Can you do the stock wings as well?
  16. Hate to ask this but I can't find any results for this but are the ships I used with NEAR going to completely fail with FAR? Is it anything like the jump from stock to FAR? I tried it about a year ago and didn't like it but I'm using NEAR now and love that I started using NEAR about a month ago, I really like it except for the jet engines not getting enough air from the base intakes as it makes career that little harder but it's nice to see some difference between the intakes
  17. Reminds you that the last ship was a bit to expensive just to collect some "fresh" ice for your drink
  18. So seeing as I just accidentally quick loaded my game back to the start of career mode, doh! I might as well try this. If I'm right this is interstellar mod but more vanilla feel friendly and less realistic? I never got to the point where interstellar was viable option so still newbie on this
  19. Just got my first space plane into orbit and safely home (woohoo!), figured it was the unused fuel I had using the jet engines on the wings weighing it down. Swapped them for LFO tank and jettisoned when depleted. Second plane is now on a rendezvous with a tanker which will take it and the plane to the mun or duna.. Can't decide which
  20. Sweet, would love these to sound like this http://youtu.be/QdWswvLPdE0
  21. Works fine on the 64 bit version you just need to update toolbar
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