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Everything posted by Kerbart

  1. The top-right yellow one is just going to be one big beige square?
  2. Air-raid on the TRS-80. Must have been... 1981, 1982?
  3. Here's my assumption: they're coming from the sun side where pluto is nicely lit (maybe not that strong, but still). Now they're on the dark side. I don't know how much of the sensors depend on reflected light but if they do there's not a lot of data to gather for them right now.
  4. Maybe we're talking about the same thing here, maybe not. But during the flyby NH has collected TONS of data. Enough to fill up that 8 GB flash drive (which when NH was built was likely the best they could get). Or so is the impression I got from the NASA site. Problem is that the datalink is something like 1kb/s. Which, given the distance, and the (lack of) power of the transmitter, is still pretty impressive. Now, to transfer roughly 64,000,000,000 bits of data at a speed of 1,000 bits per second... you're going to need time. Lots of time. It's not that NH is collecting data over the next 16 months. It's sending data. - - - Updated - - - The next rover will by launched by a Russian swing, make a 720° flip and land while skidding sideways. Tadaa! The event will be featured on the gopro website.
  5. Well, isn't that the next 16 months of the New Horizons mission? Sending over that one flash drive filled with 8 GB of data, at a speed that makes AOL dial-up look like ultra-high speed internet?
  6. That was my thought. Perhaps similar to Earth the result of a major impact that formed the moon? One or more of Pluto's moon's might have resulted from this?
  7. As the others mention, it's mostly a (fun) game of combining contracts and missions in a profitable way. Currently I'm running an operation where I have a station around Mun (paid for by a contract of course) manned by a rescued Kerbal (they pay you to expand your workforce!) who will go on "science" missions (EVA report, surface sample) that are paid by flag plants. Once returned to the Mun station, the science samples await pick-up by rescue missions that, after picking up a Kerbal from Mun orbit, visit the Mun station for refueling (yes, my launches are so cheap that there's usually not enough fuel for a return). Pick up science, go home. Every launch pays for itself and usually brings home good amounts of science.
  8. A few observations: Since 1.0 don't expect a lot of science of of contracts. There are contracts that will get you some science, but you run contracts for the money. And use that money to finance science (or manage to do some science while fulfilling contracts--but that's merely reducing the cost of your science experiments and not really "getting science from a contract"). Career modeTourist contracts doesn't get you a lot of money but it does get you reputation, thus getting you better contracts IMHO the gravy train is in rescueing Kerbals. Rescueing a Kerbal from Munar orbit yields about $150,000 or more, and gets you an extra crew member, while you can run these missions for about $20,000 each. I also use these missions to ferry Mun science experiments back to Kerbin (but I digress). In my current career game I haven't even set foot on Minmus yet, and I've ungraded all buildings to their max level and have about a million bucks... BRING ON THE SCIENCE If you fly a few more missions your contracts will probably getting more varied. If all you did was get into orbit, then most contracts will cater to just that.
  9. So is CS6 if you download it from the "right" places. If you refer to CS2 (briefly) being available on the Adobe website with "enterprise" codes (not requiring activation), that was a mistake by Adobe; in no way has Adobe released CS2 into the public domain; it remains copyrighted (and is not available for free through Adobe).
  10. The data is there but can only be obtained by unlocking more of the science tree.
  11. KSP was neither crowdfunded or charged full price for early access, so that's rather irrelevant. And while we love noble ideas like "for the love of the game" and "we owe it to our community" the reality is still that developers need a place to sleep and need to eat. So you'll need to pay them. And even if you don't, you'll still need to pay for servers and bandwidth. In the end, when the cashflow dries up, development will stop. You're better off with Squad right now working on new content they can charge for, like expansion packs -- as they'll have an incentive to continue development and hopefully do some bugfixing too, than with Squad focussing purely on bugfixes "because the owe us those" -- because the incentive for them will be "the sooner we finish it the better"
  12. It's nice to know NASA is metric
  13. There's no such thing as atmospheric refraction. "Scientists" invented this "theory" to come up with an alternate explanation for this "light over the horizon" experiment that was dispelling the myth of a round earth. You're right, it's not worth debating them. You're using science to convince people who have abandoned science.
  14. Well as long as they're not zero, it can happen. - - - Updated - - - I guess they weren't aware of the aero changes in 1.0 and beyond?
  15. Let's see. Heatshield description: Maximum temperature 3400K. You exceeded the maximum temperature. What do you expect? That it survives that? The heat shield does two things: 1) It can withstand a much higher temperature than other parts, which is really useful for re-entry. But there are limits to that, and you learned what does limits are. 2) It prevents the buildup of heat to be transfered beyond the shield. If the only objective was (1) you could make a shield out of tungsten or depleted uranium (although the weight would be a serious problem). The problem is though, that as the heat shield heats up it's going to transfer that heat to the rest of the vessel, which is undesirable. This is where the ablator comes in; it carries the heat away from the ship. In game explanation: you exceeded the maximum temperature your heatshield can handle.
  16. First of all constraints are a breeding ground for creativity. Anyone can build anything if you can just slap things on left and right without having to care for any consequences. Second of all, you're already working in a very well defined set of constraints -- your rocket has to stay in one piece and make it into orbit. Do you feel that as a limit to your creativity? Or a challenge? Same with the desire to build real world replicas.
  17. It gets even weirder -- there's a Jebediah running for President!
  18. Your chutes should fully deploy around 1000m above terrain or there's not enough time for them to be deployed (they open slower now to reduce G-forces). Your chutes should be pre-deployed once velocity drops below approx. 250 m/s. If you only slow down that much below 1000m then you have a problem, obviously. With two command pods you might simply be too heavy to slow down substantially with a 1.25m diameter. Also, how do you re-entry? Come in too steep and your descent trajectory is simply not long enough to slow you down enough.
  19. #1 I agree on. Especially since later in the book the effects of a storm are said to be mellow "because of the low air pressure" (I'm paraphrasing and this is from what I remember, so I might be wrong, but I know it irked me). #2 Yes and no -- I'm pretty sure the discovery of perchlorates is very recent and wasn't known when Andy Weir wrote the book. Of course, it kills the plot as it is so it's not like he can retroactively fix that (unless there's a way to clean the soil) #3 Water ice is found in some places, but not everywhere. So you can defend that by stating that it's not around where he is. Besides, you'll need to melt the ice (although the RTG can take care of that)
  20. All I know is that you're now facing consequences for a 4000m/s re-entry at a 90°. In my book, that's good. Next thing squad should fix is the ability to re-entry with pods that according to the in-game documentation do not survive re-entry (lander cans come to mind).
  21. The header suggests that this email is already in your spam folder, so google has taken care of it. Bots browsing the web and collecting information... That's how they find out you use the forum. They're probably actively searching forums and matching that up with user handles/email addresses so they can better target their "audience" I see you have your showing your twitter handle. There's a search vector...
  22. The average flag png is less than 20 kb, and for the average player there's like.. 20, 25 of them? Saving would be marginally marginally. Time that could arguably be spent better elsewhere to gain bigger improvements. Not to mention the fact that right now practically anyone can make their own flag have fun with that. DDS flags require software that can save as a DDS file, creating a big hurdle for the casual player to add their own flag to the game.
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