Oh, space. So beautiful. However, on this day, rookie captain Herrim Kerman was left in charge of the now out-of-date Perseus Space Station, waiting for the primary crew to return to the ship with an extra escape pod and a fuel tank to refuel the ship with for automatic de-orbiting. However, danger was on the horizon. The Perseus was on a collision course with the new Icarus Station, which was recently put into orbit. Herrim decided to do the only thing he could do. He used the old engines to de-orbit manually, even though he had no escape pod to go into. As the Perseus drifted along, with its periapsis slowly drifting into Kerbin's atmosphere, Herrim radioed Mission Control. He told them that he would be dead, but the 5 Kerbalnauts aboard the Icarus would be saved. As the engine ran out of fuel, he could only watch from the capsule as his ship lowered into the atmosphere. Oh Herrim. So brave, yet so stupid. The young explorer had always wanted to go into space, and to be a hero. To do both as his last actions was a dream come true. However, has Mission Control recorded his last EVA, they just thought he was showing off. Sure, it started off as a joke between him and Jebediah about who would be the first to survive atmospheric re-entry without being inside a ship, but he still wanted to make it happen. As the story spread across the world, people pointed their telescopes to the skies. This image, taken by Jebediah while back at Mission Control, shows the solar panels being ripped off from the ship during re-entry. As the ship decreased in speed, Herrim was torn off from the rest of the capsule. The very suit keeping him safe from depressurization was melting around him from the friction. The sun blinded him as he sped through the atmosphere like a living bullet. The only way this could be worse is if the Space Kraken himself was attacking him. He finally slowed down, and the friction stopped. The whistling of the wind flowing past his helmet was the only thing he could hear. The last words recorded from his helmet-mic were captured by Mission Control just before splashdown. Here am I falling in my tin can, last glimpse of the world. Planet Kerbin is blue, and there's nothing left to do.