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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I built and flew a mission to Duna and Ike. (no mechjeb or other mods, pure stock) Here is the album: I really liked it! Made my day...
  2. Eae pessoal! Obrigado pelos elogios, isso torna ainda mais legal escrever no blog! Bom, aproveitando, comecei uma série de posts sobre missões com aviões. Aqui está a primeira parte: http://theorbitalpub.wordpress.com/2013/09/25/138/ E a segunda: http://theorbitalpub.wordpress.com/2013/09/28/avioes-orbitais-segunda-parte/ Abraços!
  3. Posto sim, se a moderação considerar que pode!
  4. Eu brinquei! Não consegui recriar exatamente a missão da Voyager, principalmente no final. Aqui está o álbum: Se alguém quiser mais detalhes, escrevi sobre a missão no meu blog sobre KSP: The Orbital Pub: Voyager – Saindo do Sistema Kerbol? Abraços!
  5. Obrigado pelas sugestões! Estou postando quasi-regularmente no blog, se quiserem dar uma checada, tem coisas novas. Fiz um post sobre minha estação espacial, e outro sobre uma missão estilo a Voyager I, que "saiu" do sistema solar recentemente (de novo!). Tem também um post sobre uma ida-e-volta a Mun, e pretendo fazer uma postagem sobre a estação Munar, em breve. O link pro blog está na minha assinatura. Abraços!
  6. Nome: aarknevorious Idade: 22 anos País: Brasil Cidade: São Paulo Tempo de Jogo: desde 0.20 Mods: Nenhum
  7. E aí pessoal, beleza? Comecei (hoje) um blog sobre KSP, onde vou tentar criar algum conteúdo em português sobre o jogo, pois tudo que vejo na internet é em inglês, e apesar disso não ser um problema, nosso idioma é muito bonito e precisa ser usado. Meu blog, O Buteco Orbital: http://theorbitalpub.wordpress.com/ ( o nome ficou em inglês, foi tarde demais quando percebi que não dava pra mudar... ) Se alguém tiver algo que queira compartilhar, ou alguma ideia de postagem que eu possa fazer, eu ia achar muito legal! Abraços!
  8. This is what I usually do: So you are in orbit, coplanar with the target's. When you achieve intersection (encounters closer than 1.5km or so), start killing your velocity relative to the target, and keep an eye in the map view. Do not let your periapsis get lower than 70km (atmosphere), because you will fall back to Kerbin. If you had a good intersection (<= 1.0km), deorbiting won't be a problem, and you will be stopped relative to your target. If you are quick and have a lot of fuel to spare, it is possible to deorbit and then reorbit with the target, and achieve the encounter, but it is not very efficient... If you got problems: When you periapsis is as low as you'll allow it, stop the burn and do one of two things: a) Burn towards the target, until you get another nice intersection on the map view; Wait confortably for the next intersection; Then, repeat the killing-velocity procedure again, until you see the beautiful "Target 0.0 m/s". From there, it is as simple as approaching the target with RCS (remember to break, and use time warp), and then you "just" dock with your target! To me, it is a matter of fiddling with my orbit and the intersections with the target, with small corrections, until I get the "perfect" intersection, then I just kill my velocity and dock. Well, hope I have helped, sorry if I said incorrect stuff, and good docking!
  9. Hello to all! I've been playing KSP for around a month now, and only today I signed in to the forums. Here's a pic of the KSSP I (Kerbin Space Station Prototype I), which I assembled in the course of this month. It is orbiting at around 90km (not circular), equatorial. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=168540529 In this pic, you can see the RCS storage module, the Fuel Module, the small Habitation Module, and the Solar Power Module. As this is just a prototype, I plan considerable changes to the design, using this Station as an outpost on Kerbin orbit, to achieve Station more complex in higher orbits. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=168538611 This is an older pic of the KSSP I, but with a nice view of outerspace! I also succeded in stranding several kerbonauts on the Mun, including Jeb Bob and Bill, but I saved them! This picture shows the two remaining crash-sites: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=168540588 And this one shows poor Merrod, Sidsted and Philsen, with enough fuel to return from a nice crater landing, but with a really poor designed rescue ship, that disintegrates upon entering Kerbin... http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=168540705 Well, this about sums up my adventures with KSP, it's nice to enter the forums!
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