I agree. I was unaware of that until I saw your excellent study on fuel flow. Thanks again for that. Yes. I knew about massless parts, but I keep designing with them in hoping that eventually the devs will make the physics in play match the SPH and VAB. In the real world, in any airplane, while the airplane is in level flight the center of total lift is directly above the center of mass. Otherwise, the plane would begin to either nose up or nose down. That said, traditional (i.e. non-canard) airplanes put the center of lift of the main wings behind the center of mass to induce static stability. By doing so, a traditional airplane's horizontal stabilizer (the horizontal tail) actually has to generate negative lift (downward lift) in order to maintain level flight. It is this downward lift of the tail (which is just a small wing that can generate lift in either direction) that, when combined with the upward lift of the main wings moves the total center of lift forward to match the center of mass. The reason why this set up promotes stability has to do with the relationship between lift and airspeed. Imagine a plane in level flight with the autopilot off (i.e., the plane is trimmed for level flight with no control input). The pilot now momentarily pushes the yoke forward to induce a nose down pitch and lets go. As the airplane accelerates, the tail produces an increased amount of downward lift due to the increased airspeed. As it does so, it pivots the nose upward back toward level flight. If the airplane starts to overshoot to a nose high position, the reverse happens--less airspeed over the tail means less downward force on the tail, which means the nose pitches down. I've flown lots of airplanes, from small Cessna's to corporate aircraft. They all exhibit this behavior (by design)--otherwise, the plane would be dangerous. In a canard airplane, it is just the opposite--you have the center of lift of the main wings forward of the center of mass and then the canard out front provides additional lift. for analogous reasons, this configuration promotes the same type of stability in a canard airplane. Now to KSP. As to Kasuha's comment: I agree that a center of lift exactly on top of a center of mass (i.e., in all three axes) makes an unstable plane. You're correct that it is the putting of the center of lift in line (fore/aft) with the center of mass, but ABOVE IT (higher) that makes the plane stable. I find when I do this that I can fly my planes level completely hands off. In other words, without ASAS engaged or constantly having to use WASD. In my experience, when the COL is aft of the COM, that's not the case. As to Doc's comment: Yes, in the real world, the center of thrust being below the COL will tend to ever so slightly drive the nose up (this is not necessarily a bad thing). I'm not sure that is accurately modeled in KSP--it may be that rotation on any axis due to thrust may only relate to the COM, not the COL. I'm finding no problem with having the COL higher (vertically) than the COT. Thanks to both of you for the dialogue. I love the intelligence of the members of this community!