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Everything posted by alexustas

  1. @DennyTX What about a small customizable information window with data, such as slope, time to touchdown , landing speed etc?
  2. It was basically an experiment. Only proof of concept. The resulting config code was extremely complicated and cumbersome. So I decided to remove this feature
  3. In earlier versions of KSP/FAR/RPM these features worked fine . But the current version of the RPM may not work with FAR because.. no. In most cases I do test flights. As a small help, I bring the values of the variables I need to the MFD to have good, clear readout for control
  4. Yes, PartTools ignore texture replacement setup and use default texture on spawn. Flaps and Spoiler are require FAR mod --------------------------------------- I highly recommend first carefully read the RPM Wiki to understand how all these things work --------------------------------------- I'm not really sure that I understand your question.
  5. @Crimeo I'm not really sure I understand your problem. But I made a quick video just in case
  6. to all IVA builders I spent the last few weeks on a complete redesign and refinement of such an important prop as a toggle switch and I started working on a similar concept related to Push-Buttons Modular Toggle Switch complete guide preview: Modular Push-Button early WIP guide preview: DL: ASET Props Dev build
  7. describe your problem in more detail, please If to be brief, then: Requests number 1 and 2 require modifications to the Part model Requests number 3, 5 and 6 - a significant revision of the RPM plug-in №4 was discussed here
  8. I do not know, sorry All stock IVAs I worked with was correctly aligned
  9. The position of prop is very strange. Looks like props are spawned somewhere very far outside the cockpit
  10. To create a new navaid facility, you need to do the following steps: go to "\GameData\ASET\ASET_Avionics\ModernPack\ASET_NAV_1_Radio" folder and 1. declare the station by specifying its frequency, name and ID in the file "01-ASET_NAV_1_StationSelect_CUSTOMs.cfg" 2. Add an entry of the latitude, longitude and altitude of the new station in files "02-ASET_NAV_1_StationLatitude_CUSTOMs.cfg" , "03-ASET_NAV_1_StationLongitude_CUSTOMs.cfg" and "04-ASET_NAV_1_StationAltitude_CUSTOMs.cfg" respectively 3. Depending on the type of station, add it to the list of NDB, VOR or ILS stations by adding an entry to the corresponding file ("08-ASET_NAV_1__NDBs_CUSTOMs.cfg"," 09-ASET_NAV_1__VORs_CUSTOMs.cfg" or "11-ASET_NAV_1__LOC_GP_CUSTOMs.cfg" ) If required, repeat same steps for NAV2 radio. Please be aware that the NAV2 receiver is capable of receiving only NDB and DME signals In order to add marker beacons to other runways, you need to add their description to a file "ASET_NAV__Markers_CUSTOMs.cfg" in the "\GameData\ASET\ASET_Avionics\ModernPack\ASET_NAV_1_Radio\"
  11. Yes, gradually it turned into a real headache even for myself. The only thing that can help a little is the order of listing of props in the Unity props list coincides with the order of their appearance in the "ASET Props" folder So first all buttons, toggle switches and other switches go, because the first folder in the "ASET_Props" folder is the "Control" folder. Further in the list go instruments and indicators, then MFDs and so on
  12. I have studied your logs, but was unable to identify the pattern of occurrence of crash. In each case, loading stops at different props and loads a different number of props. Since we found out that the small size of the VRAM does not cause the crash, suspicions fall on the operating system and/or on the OpenGL driver So at the moment I can not find any way to solve your problem now. I'm very sorry about that
  13. These toggle switches are "just-for-show". Spacecraft in the KSP are not so much detailed and complex in order for the players to have the opportunity and the need to manage the valves of the hydraulic engine system and other complex vessel systems
  14. You have an OLD version of the "ASET Props". Delete existing folder and install new one (v 1.4)
  15. @enaud As I know, the IVA modification is not affected by career progression
  16. @silentvelcro Hmm ... I do not see anything suspicious Can you please repeat the same workflow with this option? and can you remove "LonesomeRobots" folder for more cleaner logs? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- more likely what "NavUtil" mod is outdated
  17. @RangeMachine Keep in mind, if you add a "GroundProx" warning light, then you also need to add a "swTumbleGPWS_ON" toggle switch. Otherwise players can not turn off the Proximity warning when landing with a parachute
  18. OK. I suggest you do the following experiment. 1. move the "Control" folder outside of the game folder. Delete KSP.log file. Start KSP and try to launch a capsule. Copy KSP.log file 2. move the "Instruments" folder outside of the game folder and put "Control" folder back into "ASET_Porps". Delete KSP.log file. Start KSP and try to launch a capsule. Copy KSP.log file 3. repeat the same steps with "MFD", "Misc", "Sounds" and "SpaceFoodPack" 4. Give me all log files for situations where the game crash
  19. No, RPM is not supported by TAC-LS @xv323 @silentvelcro @Stone Blue Remove existing "ASET Props" folder and put into "GAMEDATA/ASET/" this one: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vh0p5bcbbfi15sm/ASET_Props-Dev1.4.1-09-03-2017.zip?dl=0 And tell me whether you managed to launch the flight
  20. I've already cleaned out most of the "garbage" textures, so I have to deal with the textures for MFD
  21. To all users of my ERS add-on, which still have interest in it. I am glad to inform you that now I am actively working on an update of the ERS. has been done: wheels has been fixed (using the stock module). Also, I will do a mm-config using 'KSPWheel' plug-in as an option. ERSCabin IVA finalized. CrewModule IVA has been created. all models has been recompiled under Unity 5 overlay models for ERSCabin and CrewModule has been created. ERSCabin's glazing has been modified, the thickness of the glass was significantly increased. Work to restore 'JSIPartUtilities' plug-in efficiency is under way , which is necessary for the normal operation of the ERS. @DennyTX was kind enough to agree to do this for me. So, I hope that soon I can start testing the updated add-on. If you have interest to participate in the testing, let me know via PM. Album
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