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Everything posted by MrTheBull

  1. Guys, this is not grid. I tried to do more details on the stage. Grid will be added later.
  2. Guys, what are you think about this new texture?
  3. Man! Where did you get this awesom picture! It should help me next time. Thank you.
  4. I used this picture when creating texture and model
  5. Thanks for comment! I already thought about new block-D and LOK. I want to create LOK's engine instead of Soyuz engine.
  6. Voskhod-2 Spaceship http://www./download/wwzp8ta555sjaez/Voskhod-2_Spaceship.zip ANGARA PACK ANGARA Thread Vostok Spaceship http://www./download/f8mss3yy0ceuiqf/Vostok_Spacecraft_v1.zip Luna-17 http://www./download/adwle3aga2v63ay/Luna-17_v1.zip License:
  7. My English isn't perfect, but you mean that if somebody created a new texture he should give you a link and the picture, right? And you will upload our works on KSPTexturePacks site? Am i right?
  8. Wanna joke? When you next time take my normalmap texture, don't forget to remove all my marks.
  9. Space suit for soviet lunar program - Krechet 94 DOWNLOAD
  10. I'm already working on this suit. It's called Krechet.
  11. Did anyone created a orange suit for EVA? DOWNLOAD
  12. It's already ready for downloading http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/44135-0-21-x-Universe-Replacer-v3-2?p=590738&viewfull=1#post590738
  13. Guys, i finished my first work. Russian space suit "Orlan" now is ready for downloading. DOWNLOAD
  14. What are you think about my work? (just started) Þрûðý-ÃœÚá (Orlan-ISS)
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