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Everything posted by Raven2099

  1. links to unity and part tools 0.20???? opps found both... Buying unity pro now since i have the $
  2. Probably the wrong section if so i'm sorry feel free to move this Post Working is DAZ with a few meshes for some addons what format should I extract as or how to convert extracted mesh for use in KSP? i didn't see a tutorial for building part addons or ships if someone can point me in the right direction i have lightwave, daz, maya, 3dsm and 3dmax so making messes in no issue i need info on exporting and using in ksp
  3. I'm looking for a general CUBE and SPHERE mesh in the MU format
  4. thank you so verry mutch... i'm sure to post more stupid questions soon
  5. Obvously a dumb question I looked in the wiki and in the forum for this but how do I turn on the RCS Thrusters and use them once in space.....? thanks in advance doe relivent and non trolly answers
  6. Just bought KPS and am downloading YAY
  7. Visit another solar system/galixy set up a base and come back
  8. Hello fello Kerbalnaughts i am farirly new to the game i been playing the demo for 2 weeks now and i plan on buying in on the game on the 14th-16th when i get paid *and enjoying tacobell too* i intent to utube alot of my flights and possiblt live stream tham as well i also play NoLimits Roler Caster, Postal 2 & 3, and am a avid World of Warcrafter as an Allaince Mage on the Silver Hand server so look up my guild Legion Of Heroes and join if you dare so yeah thats about it and feel free to donate bits of knoledge
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