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Everything posted by epicbuilder333

  1. One of my kerbalnauts doing a back flip while on the mun.
  2. I landed on the Mun... i guess they don't know that they going to die on the mun. Stop doing back flips!
  3. Well we have built the ISS, sent multiple unmanned rovers to Mars and Probes that are now on they way out of the solar system. A picture taken from Voyager 1 in 1990. Earth from 3.7 billion miles away. It's at a distance of about 125.12 AU (1.872×1010 km) as of 14 August 2013. One Au (Astronomical Unit) is 149,597,870,700 km (92,955,807.3 mi), or roughly the average Earth–Sun distance. (The distance from Earth to the Sun)
  4. Yes, Ksp will run on Windows 8 and runs there well on it.
  5. A beatiful sunrise as I try to start my journey to land on the mun.
  6. 42 hours according to steam. I did just bought it during the Steam Summer Sale.
  7. I would like to see more features added to the current planets in the solar system like city lights and weather for Kerbin. I like to see dust storms on Duna, because on Mars, which Duna is based on there are dust storms.
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