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Everything posted by osterizer8

  1. Sadly, the landing was a bust. My lithobraking was very similar to the lithobraking experienced at the start of my KSP file, involving lots of explosions and not lots of debris left.
  2. Yes, it likes to tip over right after launching. I'm not sure exactly why, but I'll look into it. Thank you for the rocket, it looks great! I'll try it out today. EDIT: I tested it out from Kerbin orbit and on the Mun. The rocket worked perfectly, it is a great design. It had a little trouble getting off the ground due to my ridiculous payload, however. The Kerbin test worked well and the probe survived, but the Mun test failed. The probe smashed to pieces on the surface. Basically, lithobraking like this is stupid, as in an atmosphere you could just add parachutes, and it doesn't work well outside of atmospheres unless you slow down a lot. You might as well land normally. Thanks for your help sgt_flyer!
  3. I was just wondering if someone could help me out and make a rocket to carry the linked probe into space. I am trying to experiment with lithobraking but I can't for the life of me get this thing into orbit. Rearranging of the parts is fine, I just want it to get into orbit. If the craft can also carry it to the Mun, that would be nice, but it is not a requirement. Thank you in advance! Screenshots of the probe: http://imgur.com/eIxOdxR,5xknfW2,qZ991b9,AtIQElm,8qDOMVy,wMSNuN7,dsRixbi Probe .craft file: http://www./?i49n9w9sfxu2026
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