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Everything posted by ChickenShark

  1. I've been meaning to ask this for a while now, and I suppose this would be the place to ask, since it pertains less to FAR and more to designing craft. Does anyone have some information on the equations and calculations FAR makes? I've tried to look through the github source, but I'm not too familiar with programming, and certain shorthands throw me off a bit. I'd like to know because I'd prefer to design a plane from scratch based on the actual math behind aeronautics, instead of going through a protracted stage of trial-and-error. As such, a post containing the equations Ferram's derived for FAR would be very useful (although I know that with the use of voxelization, certain calculations would be difficult to carry out on paper, but seeing as wing design is half or more of aeronautic engineering, and that FAR uses the voxelized model to find certain parameters, then there must be some equations using these derived parameters).
  2. *cracks knuckles* Alright, though this may be frowned upon, I'm going to try my hand at this necroposting thing, since this mod seems too interesting to simply let die. You mentioned that this addition causes issues with fuel since the math is based on the assumption that the parts have circular bases. I'd have to go download 0.90 again to see about how bad this can get, but would it be possible to pull this into the release version without re-doing the mathematics? If I were any sort of coder, I'd try to see if I might be able to do this myself (and I might be able to when I get around to programming again). If there's an updated version or analogous extension I'm sorry to bother the OP/mods about this, I haven't been able to find it.
  3. Ouch. I had been looking for "North Kerbin Dynamics" instead of "Heavy Ordnance Pack."
  4. Hey, Bahamuto, harpwner's made a very impressive extension to your mod. When you get the chance do you think you could put it up on the front page with the rest of the extensions?
  5. I remember getting this game back when it was still in 0.15 (or maybe earlier?) and being absolutely enthralled in it. I've only just been getting back into it lately, and I haven't started at all on orbiting yet, just been messing around in FAR to see what I can build. Anyways, this is my first time on the forums (just getting out of the Curious George Group), and I can't wait to complain about nerfs/exalt new features with the rest of you guys now.
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