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    Spacecraft Engineer
  1. No Problem Fwends i cant wait for the ARM pack
  2. Not sure if this was posted already, i did not see it here. Sorry if it is a repost. http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/7k4PkS/:Dc2L9zSb:nnVtyXwq/wechoosethemoon.org/
  3. Hi Here is my .23 tier 0 try, landed on Minmus and the Mun 1194 science
  4. Hi Did my first mission last night, tier0 parts got me 1200 science. I maxed out Minmus on my First mission, i think i will be able to max out science in less than 5 missions(Not sure). I did not know you could spam science in .22, so basically I'm not really feeling a difference, but the new science lab makes it more interesting. So far i am loving .23, no issues, and the Rapier is a fun little thing
  5. Hi What i will do is just to make very basic probes to get science from one biome. You can send up like 6 probes with a single launch. The other option is to have space stations with a science module and then to dock the probes there to reset the modules. What i did is to place a basic manned space station where ever i want science. Then you can send a ship out to the stations to take the science back to Kerbin. It is a lengthy process but that was the propose of the last update to give you more play time i guess. I like the new system, it forces you to think, and forces you not to be lazy and take the easy way out. (hope it makes sense) Good luck
  6. Having some issues to EVA my kerbels from the command module, but otherwise all seems ok
  7. This on twitter: Kerbal Space Program â€Â@KerbalSpaceP 14m Hungry for update 0.23, we see Well don't worry. You haven't missed it yet, so take your finger off F5 and relax. We'll announce soon.
  8. I have to say this...Steam works with steam ..... Weak joke i know
  9. i am gonna go eat now, if i come back there better be a .23 or i cry
  10. Well the forum will not be the same without you
  11. wow skyrender is still alive, who knew
  12. its nearly Wednesday here, and me still waiting, hope i can shoot a few rockets with new patch before sleepy
  13. ZIV: I do understand, i know KSP well, I'm just frustrated because I'm trying to do this in one go with one launch and no refueling and i hate mods, so its hard. :'( Below was my 1st attempt but is a no go :/ Any advice would be great
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