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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. I don't know about the actual laws at this very moment, but I think you aren't allowed to photograph certain such objects in Croatia. At least there are warning signs against taking photos. They might be obsolete, though. It would be fun to go there and do this. Trolling stupid laws FTW.
  2. So if there's a war veteran (not a war criminal ie. never killed unarmed people, never tortured anyone, etc.; has a history of perfect honorable behaviour) having traumas and crying whenever he sees a child getting hurt, not being able to endure disgusting violence in the media without shaking - he is not a true man? Well that would be a bold statement. What exactly is that "true man" you're talking about, why is it true and who decided it's true? The concept falls apart upon closer inspection.
  3. Damn it, this is going to be exciting. Unbelieveable. I've seen the early clip, but this... It's fantastic.
  4. Rocket that spits out gamma rays isn't exactly going anywhere, but anyone close to it will soon get to his funeral...
  5. I have a feeling that a lot of people who might be helpful for this project will be turned off by a huge influx of nonsensical posts that lead nowhere. Landing a CubeSat on a Martian satellite? Really? I can't decide what's more futile - thumping that ludicrous idea down or the idea itself. I acknowledge and appreciate the interest, however all but several people here, including myself, know at least a bit how difficult some of these things are, and others just spam the thread with "let's get a sample of cheese from the Moon" posts. Be reasonable, folks. Let's get visual. The probability of success for deploying a microsatellite in LEO by a KSP forum group is the size of a mouse. The probability of anyone of us putting a Kerbal figurine in stratosphere by a balloon is the size of an elephant. The probability of substantial economic growth of France in the next 5 years is the size of an Eiffel Tower. The probability of putting a CubeSat in GEO is the size of a flea. The probability of putting a CubeSat in GEO and actually communicating with it is the size of a red blood cell. The probability of doing anything that involves solar orbit and other planets is somewhere between the size of a quark and the postulated superstrings. Which is a very small number.
  6. "Within reason" - that would include Mars aerobraking and landing on Phobos. Because those are just insane and ridiculous notions.
  7. I still think it's more complex to do it using a commercial satellite. Those are launched using smaller rockets so tolerances are strict. Soyuz preparation can surely tolerate such deviations (after all, 1 kg of body mass fluctuation is way below normal), and that astronaut time can't be so expensive. It's just releasing the cubes. They don't control them. They basically just release them using a robotic arm. ISS already releases microsatellites every now and then.
  8. Why would it be more expensive? They just have to account for approx. 1 kg more mass. The cube is stuffed together with toothpaste and toiler paper. Deploying from unmanned rockets carrying satellites requires structural modifications and tests. That looks a lot more serious.
  9. People, we will not deploy anything outside LEO, so stop wasting time and clogging the thread with it. It's naive and stupid to think it's possible. This is not KSP, it is real world.
  10. True. Logistics is a and I don't think it can be done on a forum or under one year of time, but as I've said before, this needs experimental missions. Boosting PR, experimenting... The place - United States. Most forumers live there.
  11. Why not both? The balloon will reach a bit more than 30 km. Ky Michaelson's (http://www.the-rocketman.com) company has reached 116 km back in 2004. We don't need to go that high, this is just an idea. More than one amateur group is doing high launches. The costs involved should be small because this all relies on vehicles other people make. You promote them, they help you. BTW who will actually "do" anything? No, we will not shoot for Jupiter or Saturn. This is real world, not KSP. The costs of such missions are so insane that only governments can do them. Forget about leaving Earth's orbit, it's ridiculous. I can't believe someone is actually thinking about this. Communication, energy, everything involved is insane.
  12. OK, high five, I kiss you. One question - why launching a suborbital satellite? Why not just launching a Kerbal figurine with a radiosonde or whatever and save the money for the actual CubeSat or whatever? For others who mention Phobos, etc., that would require a solar sail. Even the astronomical society has difficulties with it. Not gonna happen, guys. LEO or nothing.
  13. Dude, calm down. No one is talking about building a rocket for launching a CubeSat or anything like that. CubeSats are deployed, not launched. The costs are for preparation, launch and the rest. I did not mention any RTGs, and yes, I do have experience in amateur rocket building. I've made and tweaked engines and rockets. Not high power, but not tiny kiddie rockets either. I know how hard all that is. You're barking up the wrong tree.
  14. I think you're the one who should calm down the ego. Most of others are thinking about missions well beyond LEO, and I think it's ridiculous, so you should talk to them instead of me. Who ever said anything about it being a flying rock? We're just speculating. It's a forum thread, calm your tits.
  15. First of all, this reminds me of Terrahawks. Second, it might be a better idea to start slow, with missions in Earth's atmospheric layers. For example, we could ask Shapeway to donate the one or three Kerbal figurines and put them on a model helicopter, model airplane, meteorological balloon, and then high power ammateur rocket. Camera inside, of course. We don't have to build the rocket. There are great folks out there who launch these beasts in Nevada. I'm sure they wouldn't mind cooperating. These rockets do reach mesosphere easily. The rocket and the balloon can have basic instruments for measuring temperature, humidity, pressure, even ionizing radiation. All that would boost the public interest.
  16. Why? Musk has decided to donate to the opening of Tesla museum. Why shouldn't we think he wouldn't agree on helping a KSP CubeSat mission? It depends on the popularity of KSP. Unless this starts rolling like a snowball down the hill, nothing will happen, not even one mission. Let's say the first mission is a success. If the second one is putting the satellite in solar orbit, it would be cool, but it would have low PR value. The public wants photos. So, either a lunar impactor that sends photos before the impact, or a highly eccentric Earth orbit which would supply the public with images of Earth at various distances. But that's a dream right now; let's stick to the initial mission. Low Earth orbit is realistically the best we can hope for, and the chances of it happening are very small, but large enough to try this out. Other options for first mission have miserable chances so they aren't worth talking about.
  17. Low Earth orbit is the best we can hope for. I'll be glad to help with localized PR and material behaviour knowledge, if it's neccessary. I hope Squad will recognize this because it's a true opportunity for them. This could maybe be done using Kickstarter and Squad's input, but I think we should contact Elon Musk, too. If this was 100,000 USD worth of a mission, I doubt he'd be reluctant to donate at least half of it. Kickstarter only... it will not happen. KSP isn't that popular yet.
  18. Why? Having empathy is one of the pinnacles of animal evolutionary and neural development. He should be proud to have nominal performance of his brain systems.
  19. Where did you hear this lie? He took a crapload of photos and they're all readily available online in various archives.
  20. He was sick, so it probably hurt... I meant of the animal dies of old age, while sleeping. They go to sleep and never wake up. It's cardiac arrest and brain death. I don't think it involves any suffering because consciousness isn't online. I'd like if that happened to mine.
  21. Me too. It would be the best if I find it dead one day.
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