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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. I see "model rockets" as those cutesy cardboard rockets. No, they can't reach space, let alone achieve an orbit, lol.
  2. The land of elementary particles is weird. Our rules of macrocosmos don't apply in their totality in this land. Particles aren't tiny balls and there are weird interactions between them, even seemingly impossible to us. Heisenberg's principle of uncertainty rules there. Maybe the simulation is made by a simulation, and that simulation is made by another, ad infinitum.
  3. That's semantics and philosophy you're now trying to divert to. Not science. Multiverse is not a theory. It's a hypothesis at best. There are no evidence to support it, so it can't be a theory.
  4. Actually, according to our current knowledge, they're made out of nothing. It's the best we can do now.
  5. The quest for the biggest rock is futile - she knows which one is it, but she and her team will bring down a rock from space and no matter what do you do, she'll still be the one who can claim the discovery on the biggest rock.
  6. The quantum properties of nature would exclude a simulation running on some computer.
  7. 00:30 - what the hell was wrong with the producers of this show? That would give me nightmares if I saw it as a kid!
  8. Coast of Croatia. Midnight summer temperatures usually around 30 °C, humidities almost 90%, though these few weeks have been stormy so it's not very hot. Actually, this was a pretty cold summer.
  9. The hardware doesn't support such games and I doubt it will any time soon. We could pimp up the microchip speeds, but we don't have the solutions for the battery.
  10. Does anyone ever reply on these threads you open or am I the first one? I'm not really sure about the purpose of these.
  11. You'd have similar problems as with torus habitats. It's not the strength of the field that matters only, but the distribution of it, too. Black holes are "sharp", if you know what I mean. Buildings would not be able to go very high. Coriolis would be a big issue, too. If... you find the solution to make/haul a black hole and then stabilize it in the center. That's the whole warp drive problem - it's fantasy all over again.
  12. Bad news. Google is becoming incredibly irritating and intrusive. The worst news would be if Google bought Facebook. Ho-ly mo-ly. Apocalypse.
  13. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/88087-The-weirdest-space-headline-ever
  14. After I've removed it, keyboard works again and I can actually go to space today.
  15. This must be the best headline ever concieved in the history of journalism!
  16. Nitrous oxide is nitrogen(I) oxide or N2O - it is used for whipping cream, in dentistry (not so much anymore, and rarely outside anglosaxon world). It is weakly toxic. Colourless. Nitrogen(II) oxide or NO is a very poisonous gas which immediately reacts with air. It has a purpose in our bodies as a vasodilator. Colourless. Nitrogen(IV) oxide or NO2 is very poisonous orange gas which, when reacted with oxygen and water, gives nitric acid. There are more oxides, but these three are the most important. Only nitrogen(I) oxide is used in cars. Other oxides would result in damage to the engine and a very toxic and corrosive exhaust.
  17. I've tried it. It destroys the ability to throttle up and pretty much destroys any keyboard function. Sounds of "farts" can be heard going off one after another. I'm using 32-bit version of KSP because 64-bit loses framerate.
  18. As long as the sound is not repeating itself, you're fine.
  19. My dirty mind is translating that as "coitus". Is it right? But who cares about that? It's a local thing I doubt many people understand. A nice story could've been made from all this. Kerbals, in the past could've used carrot-like rooty vegetables as currency.
  20. Of course they were. People just weren't calling them by that stupid name. They called it "look, I took a photo of me".
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