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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. Has any developer seriously considered adding an Ablate-like body to the system? Ablated, tidally-locked body very close to Kerbol, a real pain in the ass to reach. You don't need far objects to make the challenge difficult.
  2. I've seen it last night, only the first pass, I've missed the second. Maximum separation around 10 degrees. It's true, when the passes are high up, you really get the perception of sky's depth as they change their apparent distance. It's always a nice thing to watch. I remember the shuttles doing that. Much brighter than ATV-5, though.
  3. "Habitable zone" means regarding the surface conditions.
  4. Lexif, ninja'd. Yes, it seems that Georges Lamaître ship will do a maneuver burn(s), so we'll get the chance to see a mutual pass tonight. Whether this is a burn that positions them closely together for the next few days until the docking, I don't know, but tonight (Europe) is the chance to see them together. http://blogs.esa.int/atv/2014/08/07/atv-5-ready-for-iss-fly-under/
  5. Report - I've seen both of them few hours ago. ATV-5 is very visible, like a typical star. No problems with locating it on the sky.
  6. Weight of the water doesn't play a significant role in watermelons. They're short, basically ground crawling vines. Capillary forces alone are sufficient to hydrate the whole tissue.
  7. The feeling when you haul s huge thing to the middle of nowhere and you realize there aren't enough docking ports to dock a lander to it.
  8. If it was to be used for lifting equipment made to divert an Earth impactor, I'd be all for it. If it would be used as a method of lifting stuff because reasons, I'd be strongly against it. The radionuclide contamination is horrific. Also, EMPs.
  9. If the basic morphology turns out right after the fertilization, then yes. Water in watermelon does not require gravity to move around, you're correct. Baby watermelons are spheroids, shape depends on the variety. Baby watermelons... what a cute phrase.
  10. I've opened a thread dedicated to those simultaneous passes few days ago, feel free to post the material there. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/89438-ATV-5-Georges-Lema%C3%AEtre-night-passes
  11. PreporuÄÂam ti da je kupiÅ¡ kada bude popust. Na Steamu prije ili kasnije bude i -40%. Ponekad se zalomi i viÅ¡e, ali akcija traje par sati. IgraÅ¡ li u Career modu ili Sandboxu? Svaka raketa je posebna, ovisno o tome gdje želiÅ¡ odvesti vozilo, Å¡to želiÅ¡ s njim raditi i želiÅ¡ li ga vratiti natrag. TrebaÅ¡ biti precizniji...
  12. That's putting a watermelon inside a steel cage. It's very invasive, mechanical. The plants must grow in a square shape simply because there's no room to grow in a spheroid shape. It has nothing to to with what we're discussing. Gravity does not play a large role in the formation of watermellons. If it did, watermellons would grow in the shape of oblate spheroids. Instead, most of more spheroidal shapes are prolate spheroids. The cause of the shape is basically genetic.
  13. It would end with extreme disability. Inner ear would not develop normally. Proprioception would fail. The brain would not receive these vital impulses from sensors around the body during the first few years of development so the brain itself would not develop normally. Consider a baby born without eyes or with totally nonfunctional or missing optical nerve. It will grow up never experiencing any visual experience. There will be no data in the brain, and the brain's morphology which adapts to the data would be nonexistent. We're talking about extreme problems here. Brains aren't premade data storage units which can be filled or empty. They are morphologically developed by the data input, too. This is just the nervous system and locomotory system. Musculoskeletal system would be severely degraded. Immune system might suffer, too. The brain stuff is a certain thing, even though no experimental data exists because it can be induced from previously known stuff. It's much more difficult to predict whether embrionic development would be influenced. It would be great if experiments in zygotes and embrios (not fetal, that would be unethical because fetuses have nervous system) would be done on ISS, but I can imagine the rightwing and fanatical Christian nutters going crazy over it. It would never be approved with such dumbasses in USA and Russia.
  14. Exactly. Some people simply feel the need to open new threads on existing stuff and like to perpetuate the notion that necroing old threads is something absolutely wrong. It's ridiculous.
  15. Unless the lack of acceleration doesn't screw up with embriogenesis (maybe watermelons are susceptible to it, we don't know), it should probably grow more or less the same. Genes play a larger role here. Microgravity might mess things up, though. We simply can't tell.
  16. I meant to say that on the smallest scale of centimetres it matters, but it doesn't matter if it ends up in a field of bumps and slopes the size of a car. It won't flip and fall "on the floor". It basically won't land as much as it will dock to it.
  17. The roughness isn't very important. Gravity on the comet is extremely weak, so basically Philae can go wherever it wants. It won't roll down the hill. The problem is spinning of the comet. If you've ever landed on Gilly, you know how problematic those tall hills near the equator can be. Luckily, this comet isn't tumbling so there shouldn't be any significant problems.
  18. I've been grabbing screenshots from the stream few minutes ago. The middle part is sublimating already.
  19. They were considered war crimes, but it wasn't legally bound, and today because of international filthy politics and because not many people care anymore, the issue isn't tackled. Legally speaking, up until the Geneva convention just about anything could be done. It's pathetic that people need a piece of document to avoid doing horrific stuff.
  20. Looks great, congratulations to ESA. The surface topography is amazing, looks weird.
  21. We already have a thread on this. No need to spam around. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79190-Rosetta-Philae-and-Comet-67P-Churyumov-Gerasimenko
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