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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. So... no one? Really? You've missed an awesome thing.
  2. Some of you were too young to remember the last one. These two planets are at this very moment very close on the night sky. 12 angular minutes. The Moon has approximately 30'. For people in Europe, they will rise in less than two hours. If you're reading this, try to get outside to see it. It's a rare event. Tommorow will be too late as the total motion of Earth, Jupiter and Venus makes them drift apart.
  3. Tens of thousands of years, few thousands of years give or take. Even after that, the work would still need to be done because geological processes that act as sinks to various chemical elements are very slow. And yes, this is the millionth thread on the subject.
  4. Yes, it's a colorized screenshot to look a bit more like Venus.
  5. So what you're saying is that I have a distorted memory of him? It's quite possible. I watched it a long time ago. I'm not sure I want to destroy it. :/
  6. I was ok with him. He was a bit annoying, but nothing special. I don't understand the hatred. (Yes, it's hatred, not hate; hate is a verb).
  7. No, but I know Poland effectively destroys all films and series using insanely stupid dubbing. When I first saw examples of it on YouTube, I was first stunned, then LOL, and then facepalming. You poor, poor people.
  8. There are like a million of identical threads on this subject.
  9. If you're even considering strapping a Kerbal to it, Real Chute is a must or they die. Unmanned... pretty strongly advisable because you can configure it to deploy a lot sooner than stock chutes. I'm not sure how probe cores' resistance to decceleration is nowdays with all these updates. I don't think burning up on Duna is an issue, but I'd use Procedural Parts reentry shield. They explode (at least on Eve) when their temperature climbs somewhere above 1550 °C, possibly 1600 and it doesn't have anything to do with the amount of ablative material. They just pop. Will that happen on Duna's direct collision, I have no bloody idea. Duna has a very thin atmosphere so I've always used grazing and then angled reentry to maximize the duration of braking. Something tells me you'll have mere seconds between end of fiery ablation and impact. The atmosphere might not be powerful enough to cause significant resistance and G-force. You basically slam into the ground. Send a simple Venera-like probe for starters. Chute and shield.
  10. You need a citation for a claim that normal everyday claims are dismissed by some people because they are stupid? Where the hell am I going to find that citation? Really, you're abusing the "citation needed" thingy. I wasn't talking about mild neuroses. Those things are temporary. When someone pisses you off, you're basically mentally disturbed. I've mentioned more serious disturbances. Have you ever talked to a conspiracy nutter? It's like a biblethumper. They are conditioned to have an irrational response, and they often have underlying, chronic mental disturbance which is visible not only by the lack of reasoning, but by examining their physical behaviour and learning about their history.
  11. No, our brains do not work just like that. I am talking about the highest order of functions, consciousness within neocortical matter which deals with awareness, logic, and combines it with knowledge, not inputs per se. Yes, brains will be selective about most inputs, otherwise it would be a cacophony and complete chaos, rendering us disabled. True, they mostly aren't clinically insane, but you'd be surprised how many of them have undiagnosed mild paranoia, serious OCD, etc.
  12. Basically every unmanned mission so far used direct collision with the planet. Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Titan. Machines can withstand great deccelerations, unlike humans. Try that with Dearly Reentry in KSP and things go boom.
  13. I've tried it a long time ago and it struck me as a very boring, user-unfriendly program with bad graphics. I understand its superiority over some things, but it didn't seem right for me. I didn't need Orbiter to learn how to pilot in KSP. I knew enough Newtonian mechanics to quickly get a hand of it.
  14. You won't be able to convince him anything. He's obviously a nutter. Nutters' brains work differently. They have a predefined set of beliefs and then selectively use input data to create a database which complies with the beliefs.
  15. I think they should make even more of them. It can be outsourced to another company.
  16. Stop spamming, people. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79291-EmDrive
  17. Yes, that's a Testudo hermanni Gmelin, and it's protected by law. It's good your roadcaptain stopped the traffic. These little fellows have a hard time crossing the roads. Very cute animals. They often roam around gardens of Adriatic coast, sometimes claiming it as their territory so in essence they become pets if you feed them regularly. They enjoy lettuce, cabbage, slices of apple...
  18. For me, it's the essence of what Minecraft is. Roaming around and surviving in an endless world.
  19. Not really, because it spins way too fast, but a slower-spinning object could have negative values of G on its equator and still survive intact. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v512/n7513/full/nature13632.html You couldn't land on it's equator, perhaps not even using harpoons. You might even cause a structural failure of a chunk of it by disturbing the surface.
  20. Yes, even though I'd probably puke my guts in the first week, if we're talking about an extended time in orbit.
  21. No, those stones slide, being pushed by wind over icy surface. This boulder on Mars went tumbling down, as evident by the photo.
  22. Damn it, just look at this if you have the appropriate glasses. Incredible, quite scary, too! http://www.esa.int/spaceinimages/Images/2014/08/Rosetta_s_comet_in_3D
  23. Not exactly... Graphite is ordered sheets mutually connected by pi-electrons in sort of a cage. Bulk graphene isn't. It's a bunch of monolayers. That's why its conduscing properties are so special.
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