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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. There's absolutely no reason for it to happen this time. It's old as the Solar system, having orbited the Sun several billions times. Thanks. Cherry Gerry, LOL. From 2.7 AU to 1.24 AU, that's not a great difference. It happened in 1959, so it would be unlikely that all of the sudden right now it spectacularly breaks apart. It would be cool, though.
  2. It's Minmus. Use Distant Object mod for more of such needed realism.
  3. Yes, little bodies of something which take up certain dyes really well. That's what can be seen through a light microscope and that's what most of people will ever see. Many things in science, particularly biology, have funny names because people did not know what they were looking at. Why are they going to such colleges if they're so ignorant? One would assume someone trying to get a degree in biology sciences would not be so daft about those things.
  4. Pawel, you should watch Der Untergang to see the tragedy of those kids tricked into death. It's really not a plane, or the side you want to be on. By the way, that kid is based on a real person. In addition, it's good to know that kids are the most disgusting soldiers. Their brains aren't developed, so they most oftenly show sadism.
  5. It's vibrissa, not vibrassa, and yes, there's plenty to understand. It came from old Indo-European, and became vibratus. "Vibr-" is easily recognized as something that tremors, is being agitated in a quick and repeating manner. Vibrator, vibrating. Every language user in Europe will recognize what that means and, when confronted with a concept of "mouse's vibrissae", will not point to its eye or ass, but to growths on its nose, or at least will point towards the head. It's ingrained into culture. Not only Europe, but the whole world, because it's an international thing which has penetrated everywhere. "Whisker", is something appropriate for naming a cutesy cat from Washington. Except for suffix "-er" which denotes a device-like thing, it is not intuitively recognizable to people whose mother tongue isn't English. Latin still is the primary language of basic natural science nomenclature, at least in the form of prefixes and suffixes and mostly as direct adaptations from Latin. Literal Latin exists in binomial nomenclature (Nomen Binominale) and anatomic nomenclature (Terminologia Anatomica), and perhaps somewhere else, too. Still, "whisker" is not international, and "vibrissa" is. Few decades of globalization and commercialism can't change millenia of Latin language permeation. In some fields, like informatics and genetics, and increasingly in biochemistry (where it replaced German), English is dominant and creates abbreviations, but Latin roots are very visible. Yes, of course it's jargon. Nowhere in science is Latin a spoken language. It's a dead language. Only some people can speak it. But "substantia nigra" will be recognized by almost every sane adult on Earth who didn't live under a rock as "something black", and "globus pallidus" as something roundish. True, it's a historic mishmash, there's Greek, there's Arabic, but it connects the world as it exists in other languages. Dura mater is a funny thing, I admit. As a chemist, I've never ever witnessed or had problems with Latin jargon. In fact, it helped everyone because people understood it. Mind that my mother tongue belongs to Slavic languages, which are a different branch from Romanic ones.
  6. Its year last for 6.45 of Earth years. It has been in its perihelion a lot of times. Why would it suddenly break apart? It's not a sungrazer.
  7. That's because choosing Latin is better than choosing English. It's neutral and people all around the world will understand it as it's in the core of scientific language. That why in anatomy you've got "protuberantia occipitalis externa" instead of "that bump on the back of your head", and in chemistry, elements have latin symbols. Na for sodium comes from "natrium". A doctor/anatomist in Zambia or Burma will know what protuberantia occipitalis externa is. 100% guarantee. Scientific papers aren't something just about anyone will go and read. If you read it, chances are high you're accustomed to scientific and technical language. "Whisker" doesn't mean a thing outside English. "Vibrissa" does.
  8. Well I might as well write it down in native Croatian instead of English, too. It's "gazirano piće"/"gazirani napitak" for things like Cola-Cola, Fanta, Sprite, 7UP, etc. Carbonated water is "gazirana mineralna voda" or just short "gazirana mineralna" or, as I've said, "radenska" (mainly used by old people who lived most of their lives in SFRJ). Regular mineral water is "mineralna voda" or just "mineralna". "Gazirana" comes from French "gaz" for gas.
  9. We'll see a lot more damage done by ebola virus in the future. This is just the beggining. It probably won't be disastrous, but it will be more serious than what WHO and others are saying. Avoid physical contact with strangers and wash your hands. Ebola is spreading fast in Africa because most people there have poor hygienic culture and/or lack of running water. The virus, unless it mutates into something even more horrific, is rather easy to avoid if you don't touch or lick other people or their bodily fluids, if you don't engage in coitus with strangers and if you wash your hands with a soap.
  10. My Steam name is identical to my forum name. Are you making a group or? Steam lets you create a group. That seems to be better than just adding people into friends list.
  11. What's the purpose of exploding in the vicinity if there's no atmosphere? Bombs don't work that way.
  12. I did not know about that limit. That's similar to what happens on Jool, right? Well, that seems to be the final nail in the coffin which can be avoided by using mod(s) that extend the physical rendering range. Mod for welding would have to be used for reducing the part count.
  13. Update. I've dropped an unmanned rover some 14 km away from the stranded Kerbals, drove there and now they're waiting for the rescue. While driving, I've passed next to a floating boulder of Eve. The lander has freed itself from Kerbin's SOI and is now orbiting Kerbol. One set of tug's tanks have been jetissoned. Tug and lander are connected by the smallest docking port (stupid, I know), so I can't thrust over 1/3 with 4 LV-N engines or the thing tilts away. meve12, thanks. Some of the engines are from KOSMOS, others are stock. There might be one central engine from Home Grown Rocket mod, but I'm not sure. It took a lot of experiments to find out the proper layout to get almost 13 km/s of delta-v. Kerbals are roughly at 2700 m high ground so it should be sufficient... if I manage to land this thing anywhere close.
  14. I think it's too far away, exceeding the approx. 2.2 km of physical rendering distance. If the water depth is sufficiently low, one could build a segmented, one way bridge with pylons with Klaws holding onto the ocean bottom, but it would be very difficult.
  15. Pretty much the same thing goes for Croatia, but nowdays "soda-voda" (carbonated water) is an archaic term from the times when it was made by waiters using those soda siphon bottles you can see in old movies. "Carbonated mineral water" is what we use instead for decades now for pure carbonated water, and actual names for Cola, Fanta, Sprite, etc. Pop means that kind of music, or a Christian priest. I don't think any old people here call other fizzy drinks "cola", but maybe it's because the ones that did already all died. Some old people call carbonated mineral water "radenska", which is a brand of bottled carbonated mineral water that was very popular when it came out decades ago.
  16. Yes, it's negative. The photo is linked to more information provided by the author.
  17. KSP already uses autopilot. It's called SAS and employs reaction wheels and wing surfaces. Try flying with all that disabled and you'll soon realize that vanilla flying is actually very easy. I think it's stupid if a newbie immediatelly starts using MechJeb. It takes away so much from the game experience so I'd never recommend it to new players. On the other hand, if you need to do repetitive launches, it spares you some time.
  18. The rate of energy release per unit of space in Solar core actually very, very small. It's the Sun's huge size that's responsible for so much heat. It adds up. Our metabolism has more energy density than the Sun.
  19. Yes, this is best viewed through H-alpha filter, and that's what the dude did. It's quite fascinating how we're able to see such things in detail from the planet's surface.
  20. Nope, we don't have it. I understand that the tourists want to experience the maximum in the few days of going to the beaches, but there's something called a sunscreen. Why don't they use it is beyond my understanding.
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