Hello, i was building a SSTO today and found something weird. The RAPIER engines only use the fuel from the tank they are attached to, the other two tanks placed exactly behind them dont give fuel to the engines. There are no parts hidden inside the tanks. I have tested it with and without fueld duct. The side engines also using the tank as source like the RAPIER engines. after the bicoupler is emty i the engines stiop working and the other two tanks are full. i still can transfer fuel to the bicoupler. the two mk1 jet fuel tanks are not connected via a fuel duct to the bicoupler and the engines are not even trying to use their fuel.... must be some magical connection. maybe a new feature? invisible fuel lines? who knows? i7 2860QM 2,50 Ghz 12GB Ram Gtx560 Sli 1.5 gb VRAM each Win 7 x64 i hope someone can help me with this. regards Mods installed: here the screens: