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Everything posted by GeckoOBac

  1. Dude, awesome! I won't have to deal with the nasty base colouring
  2. Let there be space for science experiments (both modules and data) and it's going to replace the rover (as much as I like them, I find the wheels are just not a good method of locomotion in this game)
  3. You're mental Rover In a very positive way, but still mental That said, first post still says that Karbonite is required so you probably should edit it to avoid confusion
  4. If you have it available, DEFINITELY this. I tried before FRAPS and other stuff but shadowplay is simply better. I tried it on very resource intensive games and frankly I couldn't even see a drop in fps.
  5. Yeah that's probably what happens. I'll get the logs as soon as I can, shouldn't be a problem as the bug is very easily repeatable (as in: the bloody thing is hoarding my 120 science in orbit on moho ).
  6. Frankly, the basic wheel traction is so bloody terrible on anything with a lowish gravity, that a serious boost wouldn't really overpower it, rather it'd make it actually usable. Seriously, atm you're better off using EVA rcs on mun/minmus (not sure about other bodies) rather than bother with rovers (unless you can go big and use the ruggerized wheels)
  7. The first example you gave uses a stack separator. The second... I see no reason to use the end cap there... Use an adapter and stick the docking port there.
  8. Beside not being really polite telling the mod maker that he NEEDS to do something (since he's not your employee), your problem is solved with a bare minimum of building. Just use a radial decoupler instead of a stack one. Problem solved.
  9. It seems to me that beside Spaceplane Plus you also installed some kind of aerodynamic mod... Guessing either NEAR or FAR...
  10. Now just an idea that sprung to mind, and it's probably stupid but... If modifying just that one parameter on a craft by craft basis allows for better performance... Wouldn't it be possible to input it in as a "tweakable" at runtime? Adjusting suspension stiffness to adjust for load is something we actually do in RL, no?
  11. Well, leaving out the cage would mean attaching a decoupler to "nothingness" and I don't really like that =/
  12. The science containers are just that: you can store science in there like they were a pod.
  13. The flatbed is inverted... The transmission bar should be underneath... Also in the VAB or SPH you should start building from the rollbar, then fit the forward assembly, then snap everything else. While I'm posting... Has anyone found a decent way to fit RCS and/or SAS to this rover? I really like it, however I find that rovers in general (and this is no exception judging from my latest munar exploration) are really unusable without sas and/or rcs (and even then they are barely worth the effort... Packing more dV to move the lander around is probaby more efficient anyway). Frankly I was almost going to forego the wheels altogether and just slap monoprop tanks there, with RCS thrusters all around, at least for the low G planets. Another issue I noticed is that leaving the command seat can often end in "rapid unplanned disassembly", with the poor Jeb getting ejected at some speed while banging his head against the rollbar (the command seat is NOT underneath it however).
  14. Damn RoverDude, you're a bloody volcano of modmaking I think I'll have to start a separate career just to play all your mods However I really have to say this: Can you make the parts in this mod available in "non awful" colouring? It may be just me but I find that yellowish tone really ugly =/
  15. That'd be great. I'd really like to have a space station that *does* something, beside standing there. And I seriously want to avoid the hassle of going for a full Life Support mod (at least for the time being). This mod seems the optimal compromise.
  16. Hi! Great mod, I simply LOVE the science satellites I can make with your mod using the Universal Storage modules. However it seems that I have some trouble with the "Universal Storage Accelerometer / GravMax". All the other modules work correctly (both the Universal Storage and the "unpacked" versions), however it seems that this module doesn't send data correctly through the antenna... The experiment shows science available (and I'm sure it is as it was the first satellite around moho), however sending data triggers the send procedure, for a lot of packets, however no science points are ever registered and it doesn't even trigger the "science data from around Moho" contracts. I'm not using the latest version as I wanted the contracts to be stable before updating. It is however the last version before contracts were added.
  17. Yeah tbh I didn't have headphones on while watching it, couldn't see much of a point
  18. I logged in just to say that this is the most awesome thing I've ever seen in this forum. AMAZING model... And functional too!
  19. I have to say that the new Career mode does indeed encourage me to get those Kerbals back to KSC, to plan and create my missions in a more efficient way and it's overall more satisfying. However, cost is not a constraint. Frankly I have so many funds I could make a stack of Rocketdynes high enough to get out of Kerbin's SOI... The missions "retrieve scientific data from space around x" are just cash cows... Build a bunch of satellites, send them into orbit wherever and just keep milking them!
  20. Sent you a PM with the log, if you need more info just tell me.
  21. Alright, but that one does have all the functions that are missing from the service module... It also doesn't suffer from the same clipping issues and stays attached to the pod. And for logs, I can give you some. I'm not certain the issue is with *your* mod, but since the issue started with the last batch of mods installed, and they're all related to the SMS or the Stations parts it means it's among the dependecies of these mods.
  22. That's likely what's happening then... I'm using 64bit and the game either freezes like described above, or the service module doesn't have options assigned. [EDIT: Alright, started in 32 bit and it indeed started correctly. However when in the "Action Groups" tab in the VAB, the Service Module itself isn't even selectable. Yes, I double checked all the dependencies, they're there and up to date.] [EDIT2: More info: the Service module doesn't seem to be colliding correctly... When on the launchpad the pod+heatshield+cover+escape system will simply collapse THROUGH the service module, as if it wasn't even there. However, the decouple option has appeared in the RMB menu. I have some mods but most of them are either gui fixes or related to this and fustek's space station mod] [EDIT3: Ok, it seems there is a *SEPARATE* module, "SDHI 2.5m Avionics Ring" in the Structural Tab of the part list... This one seems to have all the function that are supposed to be of the Service Module... In fact, the service module seems to clip with this part. Placement of this module however doesn't seem to stop the "fall through" effect on the launchpad.]
  23. I've just installed this mod, however it seems that the Service Module doesn't have any actions associated... Neither in staging nor right click nor in the action groups section... Is it just me?
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