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Everything posted by Uncledad

  1. I did. I think I'm going to have to go back to the drawing board for this craft anyways as i never saved the first design properly... so getting further additions to align 3 ways would be near impossible. I'm still wondering if this particular docking port has a life of it's own.
  2. The '+' Sign is not visible.. However if i clip inside the docking port i can see it from the other side. Short version: It's stuck on right
  3. Here's a pic of the 'action': Every thing is aligned or has just moved past alignment as you can see on the nav ball. and the ports are just about to touch. you can see the other 2 successful docks behind.
  4. None, I'm defiantly inside the range for the pull... even if it was to just throw me off.
  5. They're defiantly the same size and placed correctly. I used the 3 way symmetry to place 3 of them down on the same piece so they should all be identical. I managed to get the other 2 ports to dock relativity easy. Here is a pic, From the nav-ball you can see every thing is aligned, or have just moved past alignment and the ports are basically touching.
  6. Hi, I've been trying to learn how to dock properly now for a good while and it's gotten me thoroughly frustrated. I've watched a bunch of videos and read tutorials on how it should be done, I've balanced my craft weights, quick save to practice the approach and i think I'm getting there after a series of successful attempts. However, one dock has alluded me so far... I get the approach aligned well and slowly slowly catchy monkey... but nothing. the ports just sit there... staring at each other. I've done this by eye, instrumental, with the laser cam docking thing... i even let mechjeb have ago... nothing. I'm wondering if there's something missing about the big docking ports or weather it is actually a problem with the game.
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