Yes, It is I, Doctor Octopus Jr. (Inferior and Ungentlemanly people refer to me as DoctoOcto) Bask in my presence. .. ... ... That's enough. I do not want your COMMON taint on my new suit. Anyhow, I came to this "Kerbal Space Program" in hope's that it'll quell to my interests. You are all lucky that you have a GENIUS Rocket Scientist in your community. (You can't even comprehend my intelligence, Can't you. It's okay. I expected that from the common population.) It pain's me but I feel it is necessary to tell you that I will.....Enjoy my time here....I'm getting more infected with your common culture.... Anyways, It is the best YOUR interests match mine. Because remember. I am a Genius Octopus Rocket Scientist. You'll never understand MY definition of rocketry. Back in the north Atlantic, We didn't have common rubble...Everyone was up-to the top shape and form. We are referred to as "Upper Class". I best get going lest I'll be subdued by your inferior contraptions... Before I go, Here is a picture of me for your common dirty finger's to grasp at.