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Posts posted by 736

  1. Could you have guns by themselves, without the tank cockpit or the naval turret? It woulld help to make it more versatile and players could be more creative, and you could make howitzer artillery and stuff. You also mentioned to me on your youtube that the naval cannons would fit on r5 boat parts, but I think there should be different sized cannons to fit on destroyers and patrol boats instead of those massive cannons. If not, could you explain how i could mod a gun for myself?

  2. This is just my 2 cents, but it seems strange to me that people get a game called 'Kerbal SPACE Program' and then do nothing but build airplanes and boats and ground vehicles.

    Just an observation, not intended as criticism. :)

    I build rockets, but 75% are based of real rockets, and 20% are sci-fi. The 5% left are my inventions that actually work, which isn't that much

  3. you could hollow out the plane, which would make it bigger, and put the hardpoints in there, but the Ohka was a tiny sonofagun.

    clipping would probably be your best bet, or maybe the smallest b9 cargo bay?

    I've made it, but i had to use shrouds from procedural fairings (sort of cheating). The hardest part was getting it under a G4M, cause there isn't a part size between normal and probe parts, and you cant make that weird indention on the bottom of the G4M. The real question is if bombs will explode if they aren't detacthed from the pylons, if you watched Infinite dice's video u know what I mean. PS the smallest b9 cargo bay is an elliptical shape, and the next smallest is as wide as the bomber carrying it.

  4. @hellbrand: i have pacific time, and you cant get much later that that; it will most likely be in the day for me (yay). (notice the word "much,")

    I've been preparing ever since i saw the mod, because i love replicating real stuff, especially wwii, so firespitter stuff shoots the appropriate targets. warning: contains images

    Stuka dive-bomber


    empty bomb mount thingy


    Shimakaze destroyer


    Rotatrons without guns


    G10N bomber (this was never built, but there were blueprints. it was to fly during wwii from Japan, bomb the US, land at Germany to refuel and reload bombs, then turn around for another run)


    Empty bomb bay


    Panzer III tank; without cannon


    what I have been doing in the past, it was very impractical, and in my opinion, riduculous


  5. I am trying to make a plane with a machine gun that fires through the propeller hub, like a p-63 or LaGG-3.

    I found that it behaves similar to landing legs as when it clips it pushes other parts around, but clipping any part besides landing legs and the gatling gun doesnt cause a problem.

    Is there something in the config that i need to change? Or is this not fixable?

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