I have rocket, with a main booster stage comprised of 5 big fuel tanks (orange ones). One in the center, and 4 around it. I am using asparagus staging, so this cuts down to 3 engines/fuel tanks, and then ultimately the one left in the middle. My problem is that when it is time to decouple the first and second group of engines/fuel tanks, one still has some fuel left in it, as I'm watching the fuel gauges at launch, one is burning fuel quicker than the other. This causes 2 problems, one when I decouple as soon as one of these tanks depletes it fuel, they are jettisoned and the one with fuel in shoots of like a bullet and hits another part of my rocket. The other problem, if I wait for the second one to empty then I keel over due to excessive thrust on one side. Is there any reason 2 identical fuel tanks/engines would use fuel at different rates? This also happens for the 2 asparagus decoupling. I've tried to modify the build but to no avail, at the moment I'm having to use Seperatrons to push them far enough away from the rocket that it doesn't damage it, but then the backlash from the engine destroys some other part of my rocket. Here's an image for clarity Any help would be greatly appreciated.