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Everything posted by whistlehead

  1. Granted, you now own 5mm of liquorice. I wish for moar boosters.
  2. False, I love my cat The user below me has never been to Wales.
  3. Banned for not wearing a top hat at all hours of the day.
  4. Looks excellent - is that asparagus staging? (I haven't had the chance to test it yet). I think that'll be vital to this competition - this stuff needs to be taught to new users. The design is simple and practical. You've got my vote so far.
  5. Just setting off on a rescue mission or two after the beginning of a COMPLETELY SUCCESSFUL space program, and it's just hit me how nice it would be to be able to choose which end of the runway I start at.
  6. What nobody's suggested yet is... Strap TWO Kerbals to your rocket!
  7. Banned for banning a banner who banned a banee who banned a mod when not a mod
  8. Had to share on FB and Twitter. Thanks for posting!
  9. 0/10 never spotted you before - but high five for the UK!
  10. Three! Wheeeee! :D For those awesome people who voted for me:
  11. Ooh! A vote! Yay! I don't care what happens for the rest of the competition now - I got a voo-oote, I got a voo-oote! I just couldn't choose what to go for in the end, so I decided to vote on best description among my favourites - so the Polar Express got my vote.
  12. Looking at the task brief (It's 2000 words, BTW), it's looking like it might also be a good idea to compare propulsion in the game vs real life - would a Mainsail work the same in our world? And those jet engines with intakes all over the place...
  13. I may be wrong about this, but so far as I'm aware you can vote without entering.
  14. I'm currently at sixth form in the UK, and right now we have to do a short essay (~4 pages) on a physics-based topic of our choice - and I saw my opportunity and took it. My chosen topic is to compare the physics of Kerbal Space program to those of the real world. I've already come up with a good shortlist of things to include in my essay. The two main ones (most relevant to my course) are: - Spheres of influence vs multiple-point gravity (Ships not acting on planets or each other, planets on rails, lack of Lagrange points) and whether the difference is small enough to be negligible - Planetary masses - do the planets have a ridiculous density or is the gravitational constant higher? (I vote the latter, as otherwise Kerbol just can't exist) Other things that I might look at if I have space: - Air resistance - calculating drag based on mass? Hmm... - A comparison of the planetary bodies to our own - which planets have direct analogues, etc - Temperature as a function of distance above sea level This is what I've come up with so far. Obviously it's only a very short essay so I don't have room for much, but is there anything you more experienced Kerbonauts can think of that I've missed? Thanks, Chris
  15. Loving pretty much all of the designs here - especially that Albatross 18. I'm not sure many of them would actually be a suitable Albatross 3 replacement - so many of them are so good but I just don't think they are in the same spirit as the original. Every time I look here I just have to think "that's amazing but it doesn't really work here - we should that as its own, brand new stock craft!" Nevertheless, the quality of craftsmanship here is something to behold.
  16. Title says it all. I ask because my submission to the BSC albatross thread has two cockpits both waaaay off centre, and I'm wondering if having only one crew affects its flight. (It = the cockpit)
  17. Quick question - I built my entry with KAS installed. Because of this my .craft file contains values for KAS (null values, of course) - will this affect the plane on a vanilla install at all? And if so, can I safely remove the values from the craft file? I have a little experience in editing this kind of file (in another game). Thanks Chris
  18. Totally Legit Aerospace Ltd service update: I've replaced the incorrect file in my original post. In other news, Jeb has been subjecting the Kerbaltross I to a more... rigorous... flight test... I've added this to my original post. On a side note, if anyone can get the Kerbaltross I under that bridge, they win an internet cookie. It's narrow enough, but I doubt it can pull up in time...
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