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Everything posted by seanth

  1. To the most honorable Kerbin Geographic Society. My intrepid Kerbals have been investigating the coasts of Kerbin as they design water-craft with increasing range. As we approach no-refueling distances of 75% circumnavigation of the planet, we yearn for mission ideas. Past missions here: Anyone have objective ideas? The current craft design has a stock submarine onboard that lets me place flags under water.
  2. Been a while, and am finalizing a design that should be able to reach the strait going leading into the Western Ocean. I'm aiming for at least a range of 2,828,571m. That will put me at ~75% of the circumnavigation distance. I planned on naming each of those red pins and another submarine trip to place a flag and name the strait. Any other ideas for mission objectives?
  3. Glad it was useful. It's too bad there's no way to overlay height maps (at least there is no way I know of)
  4. Yup. When I made that video and my local version of kerbinmaps, I used the files from It _is_ pretty sweet that after 3yrs the files are still in the same place.
  5. lol. doh. But I understand why the distinction between the two exists: Hill sphere says where a stable orbit could be. I could be thinking about this incorrectly (mol biologist turned theoretical ecologist trying to grok astrophysics), but the Roche limit is the minimum limit, and the Hill sphere is the upper. SOI is just that: something like a satellite will have the greatest influence by a given body if within that body's SOI
  6. On further digging, I found how SOI for stock KSP is calculated: which has a similar form to how the Hill sphere is calculated when eccentricity is negligible: r = a(m/3M)1/3 I hadn't realized there was actually a formula used by Squad to get SOI--I thought they just made them up . Seems probable they based their SOI equation off the Hill sphere equation given their similarity. I like the idea that it's for the RSS crowd. I suppose this is why they have both parameters, though I'd like to hear from someone that actually knows.
  7. Can someone explain how hillSphere and sphereOfInfluence are functionally different in Kopernicus? It seems like the equation for determining the Hill sphere is how you would get the SOI of planets and moons. What am I missing?
  8. I made a minor edit to fix this problem and submitted a pull request to @Kerbas_ad_astra. It's a single line fix. Change line 177 of ksparser.py to: self.modSize = zup_tuple(line) Works on Mac OS 10.12.2, blender 2.78. https://github.com/seanth/io_kspblender/commit/c9c61eeb9c05ec064e579b9917562daf8a5f3761 I have not tried importing a lot of different ships or a pipeline to print. I just wanted to get the import working.
  9. I suspect I know the answer to this, but is there a comprehensive list of what the different variables in cfg files for Kopernicus do? There's some on the wiki, and sometimes I find annotations in various projects, but digging through github seems like a bad way of finding documentation. Edit: I have attempted to fill in some data on the wiki, but there are variables that I just don't have enough info for and am italicizing them on the wiki in the hopes others can help.
  10. From what I have read, the density of the water on Laythe seems to be different than on Kerbin, so that will make a lot of difference. But, what you say is true: the great thing about water travel is that you can move heavy things very efficiently as long as you are not in a hurry. If you look at the ship designs I have in the threads, I track fuel usage and distance traveled by my hydrofoil deigns. My average speeds are around 50-70m/s. When I am finally able to circumnavigate without refueling, the data makes it look like I'll need about 70,000L of liquid fuel and will take about two Kerbin days. Definitely check out the links at if you are interested in more performance stats and figures
  11. Nope. Liquid Fuel. I took a break from things over the winter holidays/breaks, but I'm working on on new craft
  12. Feels like this fix needs to be on the front page or a code change that checks to see what the game is running on....
  13. Disc galaxy, 94 stars, 300 planets, 689 moons Even though Kerbol is on the outer edge, the night sky is way too bright for my taste. I wonder if there is a way to make the stars appear dimmer, or whether the distances between stars just need to be larger. It is really nice that the stars are in the same ecliptic as the skybox galaxy (Milky Way) backdrop. One of the more interesting star systems: Python port still isn't making black holes, rogue planets, or astroids, and I haven't tested clusters, but it's mostly working.
  14. Ok, maybe the python version I wrote need some work Edit with some edits to the code: 12 stars, 39 planets, 89 moons @daniel l. Oh man. SO much fun. I used hyperedit to go on a tour of the universe and found a system where the SOI's of planets overlapped, so my poor Kerbal kept getting pulled around by the competing gravity.
  15. Did you try the desktop app for github or just from the command line? Command line alone can be intimidating. I find that the desktop app does nearly everything I need
  16. Oh, I hear that. I have things I use every day that are written in dirt and spit, but they work, so I use them. Do you have any plans of putting your work up on github or something? I ask because I have nearly finished doing a port of your QB64 script to python. I've tried really hard to stay faithful to your code in terms of how it works (and even variable names).
  17. I'm slightly confused by some of the code I'm reading: IF PENABLE$ = "y" THEN SPN = INT(RND * 4) ELSE SPN = 1 END IF ... IF SPN = 0 THEN GAS = INT(RND * 5) GASNUMBER = 1 IF GAS > 0 THEN <make a planet> ... GAS = GAS - 1 GASNUMBER = GASNUMBER + 1 IF GAS = 0 THEN <exit the planet making loop> END IF if pseudocode, to me it reads like: If planets wanted: SPN = between 0 and 4 if planets not wanted: SPN = 1 #why would we set this to 1 if we want 0 planets? If SPN = 0: #why are we making planets only when SPN = 0? GAS = between 0 and 5 #GAS? Just gas giants? GASNUMBER =1 #a counter for roman numerals Loop to make GAS number of planets: make a planet name it after the star it orbits and add a suffix (I, II, III, IV, V) based on it's creation order set the planet type to be like one of the basic planets in KSP #so we're not just making gas giants here? maybe give it a ring maybe give it a moon Maybe I am just getting stuck on the GAS variable name. It's clearly not just making gas giants.
  18. For what it's worth, it seems like there are enough telescope mods out there; I don't think you need to add a part. One of the things I like about TBG is that is does one thing. There's no feature creep.
  19. Ok. I got a patch for ResearchBodies working so the stars have names in the tracking station. I had to manually enter a few names in the example galaxy.cfg (Sparit, Suin, and Muurn), but the script should be able to write the data out so star names are visible, but planets around those stars are not. Format is: RESEARCHBODIES { name = ToBoldlyGo loadAs = mod IGNORELEVELS { Sparit = true true true true Suin = true true true true Muurn = true true true true } } Could even get fancy and have dimmer/further away stars not have names on harder difficulty levels.
  20. @JadeOfMaar: KSP version 1.2.2, ResearchBodies version listed in the miniAVC claims off the github release. What problems are people having (I'll do a search after posting this)? I initially had problems with telescopes "not being powerful enough" or whatever the message was, but I increased their range and they worked without any problem. I was also using PersistentRotation to help maintain pointing at a target. I can put my edits to the cfgs up if it will help. Here's the contents of a module manager file I made. I like using the Hull Camera VDS telescopes, but my change to maxTrackDistance should be broadly applicable: @PART[Pictozoom_2000]:FOR[ResearchBodies] { MODULE { name = ModuleTrackBodies difficulty = 4 minAltitude = 200000 maxTrackDistance = 40000000000 electricChargeRequest = 10 landed = false viewAngle = 18 scienceReward = 10 } } @PART[Pictozoom_2000]:FOR[ResearchBodies]:NEEDS[Kopernicus] { @MODULE[ModuleTrackBodies] { @maxTrackDistance = 324000000000000000 } } I haven't tried to edit the "ignore" entries in ResearchBodies with the names of the stars. It'd be pretty sweet if the script was able to add the star names as keys when a galaxy was made. I'll poke at that later.
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