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Everything posted by Xentoe

  1. Sound slike a very cool project. All I talk about KSP ask for aMultiplayer. How will it handle Mods? (If...)
  2. I tried now 10 times to DL it (with sign in, without, with Modmanager, without...) It cancels ever around 13 - 14.5 gb
  3. I love this mod real. To bad (when use) it takes yet good the half of the damn 4 GB Memorylimit. It is real a shame this limit. How cool could we make KSP without it?.......
  4. I asked yet but seems to have gone under. Is this wanted that the Electro Charge (EC)(Megajule) Generator does notmore "accept" the antimatter reactors Thermaloutput when you update the AM Reactor? Was not a complex buildup. Simple (Tried both ways) Ec Generator above Antimatter Reactor Or Antimatter reactor above EC Generator. Works fine till I retrofit (scienceupdate) die Antimatter reactors. Than it says (directly) "Generator shutdown, no Themal Power conected" (the EC Generator)
  5. What we would too need is perhaps a bette rmodel for the power generators (they look still like these fueltanks) I guess I must too take once a look inside this Modellingstuff.
  6. Looks cool to me, will it get Special effects too ? (like glowing parts or so?)
  7. Found a problem, know not if it is my fault: When I update the ANtimatter Rector (Refit) the Electro Generator (direct coected) sems can notmore "indentyfy" the reactor and says"No themal power connected"
  8. Hmmm, because the Timewarp problem... could perhaps not be something done like in the Warpengene mod by Fractal_UK? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/43839-0-21-Warp-Drive-Space-Solar-Nuclear-Antimatter-Pack-Version-0-3-2-%28Alpha%29 I do personal not know how his warpengene does the Warpdrive. But it works without using the timewarpfunction. This would (at least) allow a timewarp on "straight" paths (for long distances where you do not need to change your flightpath)
  9. Why does the (to download) Ramjet, looks different like the one in "Testvideo2"? (The laserrings...?)
  10. I see too not the problem. I mean hello, KSP is not even Multiplayer. So noone gets a disadvantage from if someone uses Mods or not. (I would love a KSP Multiplayer, to play with my girlfriend (she loves the game too). I like Mechjeb not, but hey, that is my opinion. In Opposite to this I love Mods that add a bit more sci fi Tec, like the (very detailed and good) Warp Engene mod, or the cool Ram Scoop Engene. sure on first view, they sound to powerfull but (at least the Warpengene Mod) is very detailed and needs several work to make it work good (Like placing Science labs with Intelligent Kerbals, collecting Antimatter In space to power the Warpegngene in a "Acceptable" way..... It is simple a point of taste. Some like it original, and some like it more fancy. Some like to "fast foreward" annoying repeat Tasks (like the orbit making and docking) some like it to do by hand. So leT`s everyone be happy with it`s own stuff, and part their joy about (what in eatch persons) joy about their vehicles. Why is a a Modded Spacecraft, lesser cool than a no Mod craft? Bye the way, this is a big problem in the german communety I`m in... very snobby in this point, annoys real. Me in person like to do at begin all the hard way (No real interferring mods) and try all myselfe manual (god did I had long to try with docking but I made it all myselfe *proud looks*). But I will not judge someone who wanna use a mod for it, hey all what counts here is fun. This is not a scientiffic universety test... this is a fungame, and Top Priorety is: IT MUST MAKE FUN TO YOU. Everything else comes after this point. That are my 2 Cents
  11. A throw in topic: Now that 0.22 is in "view". With now Tec Treee and stuff. How you think this can be handeled? I mean we know all, that 85% of all mods (especial the cooler ones like this) will again fail to work....
  12. I know my Memory Usage is to high :-) But let`s be true you need only Home, Nova Punch and B9 aerospace parts to be outof the limit for this mod. This 4 GB Limit is real a shame for sutch a cool game with so many options.
  13. My Problem her eis more: I can insstall it, and have the parts. But when bring the thing onto the launchpag, it ends in an endless loadscreen (the black one between construction and lanuchsite) After setting Timewarp to 1, it loads and loads and loads........ (did test it and let it load 3 hours)
  14. Can we not simple replace the maptextures with smaler ones? Or optimised ones for Web Applications? I mean... do we we ingame real need a x Mbyte big Map? (Is it not a (relative) tiny "screen" ingame?
  15. did you take a look at the from me found Bug? (that when the Warpengene is once launched, you can reatch unlimited backwards speed, because you can break even when the warpengene is yet offline, by placing the "deactivation" function to a actionkey? (see the Screenshots I posted before)
  16. another thing I understand not: I mad eit now the AM Collector work. And tested with a small AM Reactor. But it does not use the Antimatter. It does too use the Uranium... why this?
  17. I made a ship with only 1 (Second biggest) nuclear Reactor and the Medium sized Power Generator. Ok the EM filling is slowly but when setting timewarp for not even 2 minutes to 100 % the EM Tank is full, than you cna shut off all energy and the warpdrive works finifine (That is what I meaned). But as ehm other thing. I get never any atom of antimatter, with the lab or with the collectors. Do I there something wrong? (In space). All parts of your Mod are "level 0" research. Like seeable on the resources display the EM Tank fills up but the Reactor (Electrogenerator) does not make real Megajules. Additional: When you deactivate the warpdrive rapidly (when it is yet offline) (not only once (do it with a actionkey). Than your speed increases (as long you do this) in the opposite direction till infinity (If you want). I tried to fly to Eve and clicked accidently the "break" key 2 times and wroooooom was outof the sunsystem. (Unbreakable) (Like you can see the warpengene is offline but look at my speeddisplay). To get this bug: Lay the Deactivation to a actionkey and press it several times
  18. I guess someone should write a detailed Readme for this Mod. It is real now a bit confusing. What nedds what? What works with what? *runs confused around* Hmm Bye the way can it be (seems for me (tested a bit) that the warpdrive does not care if you have this big energythingis, it charges if you have enrgy or if not. this is a bit "easy2 I would say. It should ONLY work when you use the Antimatter Reactors (and have antimatter) otherway it is a bit overpowered (and easy to get to work) Only my opinion
  19. I made once some models for a Plasma Compression Fusion Engene (PCFE), but was more a designmodel, and I know not to be true to do mods or modelling for this game :-) This Engene creates a shortlift fusion by compressing a stream of ioniced, easy to fusion gas. This is done by compressing this gas to a very dence level and than initiat ethe fusion by very strong lasers in the "Ignitionchamber", than the resulting plasma is directed by another series of magnetfields to the exhaust exist. The Screenshot is a ingamemmodel outof a SL based Grid called Inworlz. I have to a real 3D Model. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  20. This is all very cool and nic,e but like I asked yet, when do you guess we can test this new stuff out ourselfes?
  21. Hello. I like this Mod real and did tell the german KSP Group about it. And I like the work you invest in it *thumb up*. but would it not slowly be time to realease the now yet done update before start ever and ever a new thingi? Aner I would too sufggest to use these cool glowy Antimattercores (tested it looks real amazing). And would be easier to differ from "normal" tanks. But real very good work *thumbs up*
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