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Everything posted by mastershotgun

  1. Hi Guys, No offence, but the "Economic BOOM!" do not beat the "First Cotract"... Looking forward to next update
  2. ok I see now, I must miss that. Thank you guys...
  3. Hi Guys, Does anybody know how the steam version (which I have) will be able to update to the 64bit version? Thank you.
  4. Sweet, looking forward to it!... and which part actually? the asteroid mining or the camera?
  5. Hi Guys, Want to share with you official NASA video about landing/visiting on asteroid. it looks quite good specialy when you realize that all of that is really possible by our technologies and that "asteroind catcher" really catch my eye...And I would like to see a some sort of camera module which you will be able to add to your ships/satelites and take pictures from orbit. Maybe with exchangeable lenses for different zoom level or like infrared/ultraviolet/etc pictures of celestial bodies and so... Thank you and keep up the good work, your game is great and really fun and educationa at the same time. If you ever plan to do some sort of MMO, I'm in.
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